Chapter 170: Mother & Son

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"You never cease to amaze me Erica." Light rose from the ocean in the shape of a man.

"Michael..." Erica whispered. "What are you doing here? What's the point of all of this?"

"There's no point in asking questions you already know the answer to Erica." Michael spoke profoundly; his voice contained nothing but unwavering conviction. "I stand here representing the world, and I stand here as a hero of justice."

"A hero of justice?" Erica angrily smiled. "Don't make me laugh, you and I both know that's a load of crap."

Erica's piercing glare jabbed at Michael like an indestructible spear. But Michael's serious expression defended against it like an impenetrable shield. Michael held his mangled face and engulfed it in an angelic light.

Erica's initial attack carved at his perfect face, leaving nothing but blood and torn muscle.

"What, do you not believe me?" Michael asked, wiping away the blood. "Did I not bring stability to the world after your Sissy destabilized it?" Michael asked. "Have I not spent the last decade fixing Irene's mistakes?"

Michael waved his hand, growing irritated. "In all honesty Erica you should be thanking me. I've been the only person in the world providing you with these many gifts. I fixed Irene's mistakes. I brought you back to life, and I even tried to free you of your eternal burden."

"My eternal burden?" Erica's eyes widened, denying all of Michael's words.

"Yes your eternal burden." Michael finished reconstructing his face and focused his fearless gaze upon Ren. "Ren and Natsumi Tachibana."

Erica instinctively held Ren tighter, as if trying to shield him from the rest of the world.

"Erica, these last thirteen years have been painful for you haven't they?" Michael flapped his wings and swayed downwards, closing the distance. "You've done nothing but atone for Irene's mistakes. Either by helping those hurt by her, or spending your existence mourning for the part of your family that had been forever lost."

"I watched you all this time. I adored your conviction, and unwillingness to change despite the responsibility for what Irene had done, having nothing to do with you." Michael said softly. The distance between them shrunk even more. Michael gently touched Erica's face and curled her wild hair with his fingers.

"I was even more enthralled with how deep your love for Irene went. When the truth of what Itsuki did resurfaced. I had to admit, I was surprised that someone as delicate as you possessed that much rage."

Michael weirdly smiled. The expression he made was estranged and no longer appeared human. His lips stretched from ear to ear, and his smile dripped with ecstasy.

"You attacked Itsuki like a ravenous beast, and murdered him in cold blood." Michael's voice grew cold, and Erica shivered. The memory of that day stained her mind like spilled wine. She could still hear Itsuki's inhuman screams when she tore his throat out and set him ablaze.

"Just because you believed that he killed your Sissy's precious children." Michael's blood-red eyes glowed amongst the night. The moonlight cast by the Full Moon made Michael's body illuminate like a midnight sun. "It must've torn you apart, when you learned he was the reason for them still being alive..."

Erica fell into a deep silence. Erica had grown so quiet, Ren believed she even stopped breathing. He went to look up, but Erica's grip on his head only tightened. Ren could feel Erica trembling. Her hand shook so violently Ren feared it'd crumble away in anger.

"You even went as far as to make a vow, never to kill again." Michael elegantly sighed. "And even tried to pass that teaching onto your student." Michael stepped away and gestured towards the ocean. "But tell me, do you think Ren learned from your mistakes?"

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