Chapter 178: Shadows of the Heart

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"I don't understand?" Maija's eyes danced from side to side indecisively before locking themselves upon Ren. "What has this child done to warrant so much hate?"

Ren didn't answer.

No, it'd be more accurate to say he couldn't.

Ren knew his hatred for Manasa was irrational, born from his undying animosity for Mei. But, even without getting the chance to know Manasa, Ren had already made his decision.

With his heart and soul, Ren Tachibana refused to accept Manasa. Even if she wasn't Mei, or even if she was his child, her existence only served as a reminder of all the cruelties Mei had done to him.

"Renji." Maija called his name, speaking with a Hindi accent to reel him in. But when they locked eyes, all Maija saw was pain. Staring into Ren's eyes was the same as looking into his soul. A piece of him was gone, the joyful man Suzume had fallen for, the naïve child Erica and Natsumi had grown to love, and even the mighty King Maija swore to protect.

The Ren Maija spoke to was no longer Ren. This man was just a hollow shell molded from pain and his unforgiving past.

"Maija, I already know what you're going to say." Ren declared. "It'd be unkinglike to abandon a child, let alone one of my own." Ren's voice sank like a pebble sinking into the depths of the great sea. "So save your breath, because I don't want to hear it."

Ren's face darkened like a shadow was masking it. "I don't want to hear what you have to say..."

"At least, not about this..." Ren's cold stare carried over to Manasa, who was fast asleep in Maija's arms. He could tell just from Maija's protective glare, she wasn't going to listen. But Ren expected nothing less.

Maija was the Lion with Devil's blood. Pride was her armor, just as arrogance was his. Even before her "King," Maija would never neglect her morals for the sake of sparing someone's feelings.

But for Ren, that was a double-edged sword. Maija's sense of individuality was a trait he respected and adored about her. However, Ren saw how her determination could easily work against him.

Maija's determination and unshakable will was enough to grant her the title of "King." But willingly, Maija preferred to be Ren's warrior, teacher, and advisor.

With a personality like Maija's, Ren knew it would be inevitable that they'd butt heads, but Ren didn't expect it to be so soon.

"I'm sorry." Maija acknowledged Ren's feelings. His hatred. His pain. His passion. But acknowledgment was not the same as acceptance. She refused to accept abandonment as a proper solution to deal with Manasa.

Manasa was one of her own, both by blood and by name. She was a member of the Fujiwara Clan. Maija decided a long time ago, after harboring the pain and sins of her people, she'd become the Guardian and Mother to them all.

"I will not leave her behind. I'll protect her, and care for her, even if you choose not to." Maija didn't answer Ren with anger in her voice. She remained passive, and calm somewhat eager for Ren's response.

But Ren couldn't respond with words, only emotion. The redness in Ren's eyes burned like a dying Sun. They no longer possessed any light, only the darkness that accompanied Ren since birth.

"Do as you wish." Ren said coolly, as blue flames emerged from his back. Ren didn't bother to tell Maija goodbye, knowing full well he'd see her again. Azure flames shaped into wings, and Ren quickly took flight leaving behind a string of burning feathers that landed in Maija's hands.


Maija spent the rest of the day tending to Manasa's wounds. It was difficult for her to think a child could've been hurt this bad. But Maija recalled her childhood with Homura and immediately shivered.

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