Chapter 177: The Blessing

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In the past, the demon Homura, also known as Dēvatā (God), was once praised and revered by the people of the world. Homura was idolized for her power, fawned over for her beauty, and envied for her extreme wealth.

During the Age of Heroes, Homura made a name for herself by bringing her people to the new world, promising them land and a life of luxury. However, things did not go as planned. As a member of the Fujiwara Tribe, rumors spread their indigenous roots on behalf of the Fumiko Clan.



Unholy rituals.

These were all rumors spread by the Fumikos in an attempt to gain aid in extinguishing the Fujiwara Tribe, but Homura refused to allow that to happen.

Just as she decided to leave the Fujiwaran islands in hopes of finding a new home, Homura stepped up to lead her people. She heard their voices and fed upon their sorrow, and became the embodiment of their will.

Becoming their ruler.

Becoming their savior.

Becoming the Dēvatā (God) they needed her to be.

In order to defend her people, Homura indulged in every sin to attain absolute power. Leading her to blur the line between mortality and divinity before ascending past both.

Eventually, Homura took up arms with her enemies, unleashing wrath upon the world and drowning it in an infinite night.

In tales, it was said Homura rode into battle on the back of a white lion striking down her opponents with her four ancient weapons.

In her primary left and right hands, Homura wielded a bow and arrow. The bow was forged from the bones and mane of her loyal lion, while the arrow was created from the blood of a lion cub.

In her secondary left hand, Homura held a shield thought to defend the world from all impurities.

In her secondary right hand, Homura swung a spear crafted from the toxicity of the world. The spear was her favorite weapon, and she named it Manasa-Devi, only for the masses to recognize it as Viper.

In the Age of Heroes, Heroes sharpened their skills against Homura. They challenged her on the battlefield only to become displays of ignorance. Any warrior who crossed her fell at the end of her blade and had their hearts consumed by her.

It wasn't until her lion turned on her that Homura's wrath finally ceased, bringing an end to the war that was believed to end the world.


"Are you insane?" Ren stared at Maija in terror. He knew the risks of unleashing Homura upon the rest of the world. "I'm not going to help you do that!"

"Insane?" Maija hardened her stare. "No, I'm far from it actually."

"This is the most sane I've felt in a long time." Maija dragged her eyes away from Ren, sharpening them. "If you think I'm insane then you must've forgotten what true insanity is like Renji."

"True insanity occurs after experiencing an infinite cycle. Just like I did when Mataji (Mother) trapped me in that damn sword..."

"While in Excalibur I was stripped of my body. I had all sense of free will stolen from me. I even lost all sense of my individuality."

"But there was one thing that wasn't stolen from me. The single thing Mataji (Mother), was gracious enough to grant me..."

Maija turned to Ren with a firm gaze and wiggled her fingers. "Pain."

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