Chapter 142: The Golden Lion

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"The sky turned yellow?" Rinne stared up with massive eyes as the air rattled around her. Similar to Jack and Nana she was also a Lupus Officer, being the lowest ranked of the ranked officials. Her superior was Berk, a commander and one of Lupus' oldest members second only to Alexander.

"It'd be best for you to leave now child..." Berk warned, stepping out of the frozen building with eyes filled with light. Rinne quickly turned flashing her green stare at Berk taking in his appearance. Berk was an elderly man, covered from head to toe in scars and black tattoos. Branded tattoos to be correct, whenever people asked him of them Berk would only respond with a kind smile and tell them "Tis' a long story child, not one I'm willing to bore you with..." Usually this was more than enough to deject people's interest, however unlike the other children in Lupus (Officers are normally very young ranging from 13-17) Rinne was keen on hearing his story. She had always had a curiosity for things, a curiosity so grand that her older Brother Yushirou warned her it would be the death of her.

Of course she never listened. Rinne would always flood her curious mind with stories told her by Berk. Either of his childhood, or of general stories of the past. Tales told to him by other Lupus members or myths passed on by his people. This time was no different.

"Mister?" Rinne's voice was soft and light almost like a pillow. It always had put Berk at ease, knowing that her tone wouldn't change when seeing him like it did for the others. Since he wasn't particularly easy on the eyes. His long life left him withered and broken, altering his appearance so greatly he only resembled a husk of his former self. There was a time many years ago when he was a young and attractive man, but years of war left him blind and hideous.

"Go now child, find shelter before the Golden Lion rises again."

"The Golden Lion?" Rinne asked raising her head. The sky was rumbling even louder than before, as if sending its screams across the world. Rinne focused keenly at the lightning above. "The Captain..." Rinne muttered noticing Zhu Li clashing with Ruriko deep within the storm.

"Aye, our Captain. This is the first time you've seen her in battle isn't it?" Rinne said nothing but her answer was obvious based on her nervous stare. Even without eyes Berk could imagine the type face she was making. "The Golden Lion... is it..?" Rinne's words trailed as if being dragged alone by her uneasiness.

"Tis' a tale for another day child. Now is not the time."

"Aw come on, you can't tell me to run away from this thing if I don't even know anything about it." Rinne pouted. Berk's calm expression didn't change. Instead it remained as stiff as leather. "Long ago, before the dawn of the new era there was a Lion who lived on an island filled with beast. The Lion was powerful and conquered every beast that crossed it's path eventually earning the title "King of the Beast." However unknown to the Lion there was another beast lying in silence. A Wolf, a lone wolf with no pack to call its own. Seeing that the Lion hadn't conquered the Wolf as if yet, it challenged it to a battle expecting to trample over it with it's kingly feet. However to the Lion's surprise the Wolf had no interest. The Wolf told the Lion it had no reason to fight, all it wished was to leave the island filled with beast. The Lion laughed at the Wolf and called it a fool, questioning why a beast would want to leave an island full of beast considering this place was its home. The Wolf told the Lion that its home was elsewhere, a place far from here. The Lion asked where and the Wolf told it that it wasn't sure yet and still needed to find it. Tired of hearing the Wolf speak nonsense the Lion attacked it and the Wolf defeated it with a single bite, conquering the king of beast."

"Feeling its pride tarnished, the Lion chose to challenge the Wolf every day for the next few years hoping to one day heal its tarnished pride. However every time the Lion challenged the Wolf the Wolf defeated the Lion with much ease. But one day, after years of battling the Lion managed to scar the Wolf bringing and end to their feud. The Wolf smiled and asked the Lion if it would like to join its pack, so they could leave the island together. The Lion coming to the realization that they had enjoyed battling the Wolf far more than conquering the other beasts of the island decided to stand at the Wolf's side seeing it's dream all the way to the end..."

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