Chapter 37: As Cold As Steel

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Light crackles echoed as tiny red embers raised into the air. The Earth was damaged and was slowly being eaten away by the smoldering flames.

As the flames grew stronger the ground itself would only disappear leaving nothing more than a sea of magma. Faint blue eyes only winced at the sight of this, finding it painful to stare at for too long due to the sheer amount of heat that was being exerted.

However when he did look he noticed a figure standing calmly amongst the flames. Skin nearly as brown as tree sap, and hair so red that it melded with the flames.

She was just as terrifying as she was beautiful staring deeply at the boy with eyes as cold as ice. She took a single step forward causing the ground to shake beneath her feet, as if the world couldn't handle her presence. Her red lips folded into an almost devil like smile as she walked towards him.

She twirled her hand spinning a rod that seemed to be made of flames before revealing its true appearance. It was spear like in appearance, noting the only difference to be the curved end of the blade that was crescent moon shaped.

Her voice echoed, becoming distorted as the distance between them only shrunk. But she'd repeat the same thing over, and over again.

"If you wish for her to live then you'll take responsibly for everything that happens next."

"If she loses control you will be the one to drive your hand through her heart."

After the words faded so did the rest of the flames and his mind from this ever persistent nightmare.

Seth slowly opened his eyes only to focus upon reality. A white room with multiple machines all over, that would beep every couple of seconds. His hands gripped the railing tightly, as his silver hair stuck to his forehead.

He took a couple of breaths, allowing his breathing to no longer be ragged and to settle to the way he normally had liked.

As his blue eyes shifted forward he stared through a window into a small room where a young child laid alone. No one else was in there with her, just machines to keep her company.

Her hair was wavy and reached to her shoulder forming into a bundle of small curls. Her chest would shift up and down each time she breathed, stunting at times due to the amount of damage her body had sustained.

However several cords were hooked into her body as well as a small mask that covered her mouth and nose to make it easier for her to breathe.

Seth's eyes weakened as he watched the girl unsure what to make of everything that had happened.

Why she was so injured, what caused her to transform into that crazy beast, and what made that red woman feel so strongly about killing her.

These questions plagued his brain, which only brought him moments of relief only to be replaced with pounds of stress.

As he pressed his hand against his face wiping the sweat that had built upon it, he felt a hard press onto his mid back in an attempt to grab his attention.

He looked over only to allow his eyes to fade in disappointment to the person who met his gaze.

"Geez at least look somewhat happy to see me..."

Aaron pulled his arm from his side and held up a white cup with a sealed top that had a layer of steam leaking from the small opening.

"I'm not much of a coffee person myself, but I figured for how long you've been up you might be."

Seth nodded gesturing a light thank you before accepting the gift.

"Don't take it personal, I was just expecting someone else."

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