Chapter 21: The World

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It's something that I've feared ever since I was a child...

Not because of the stories you hear about it as a kid...

But because of the monsters that could come out of it...

As my vision faded away I felt my mind slowly go along with it.

The sounds of metal clashed against each other with a flurry of blows. Sparks flew upwards from the impact, and the voices created a symphony of grunts.

Two dark figures zipped by at quick speeds weaving between each other's blows. With a final clash the figures took form to show their distinctive looks.

One was a tall lengthy man, with fair skin, raven colored hair and illuminating blue eyes. His hair had a shaggy tone to it and covered half of his forehead similar to Ren.

He wore a dark blue kimono with the Fumiko clan crest along the back. In both of his hands were short blades weapons in which he held with a reverse grip.

Opposing him was a woman with shortly cut raven hair and light blue eyes. Unlike the young man though her skin was quite tan, and she had a more muscular build. Her abdominal muscles were partially visible through her shirt, and the scars along her arms were worn with pride.

The two clashed in a battle of wills neither one capable of overpowering the other, until they both jumped back gaining distance from one another.

The young man looked more exhausted than the woman, but the older woman's lips tightly curled into a smile as she lowered her Katana. The tip of the blade dug into the ground like a shovel and propped itself up.

"You've come a long way, I didn't expect you to put up that much of a fight."

The man lifted his hand and wiped the sweat away allowing it to drip onto the floor. "I've been training everyday so it was only a matter of time until I'd reach your level."

The woman's smile slowly faded becoming that of a frown "Don't get cocky..."

With a sudden gulp the man stopped and looked over to see a small girl peeking through the cracked door.

"Suzume what are you doing?"

The eye widened with fear remaining still completely unblinking.

"Suzume!" The woman's voice blasted through the Dojo like an engine causing the child to jump in shock. She slowly opened the door pushing it to the side and entered the training room.

Her hair was cut short and she had straight bangs going along her forehead. She gazed upon the man and then the woman, with eyes of curiosity but also fear.

"What did I tell you about peeking during training?"

The young girl looked down and fiddled with her fingers "I'm sorry Mother..."

"But I just wanted to see what you two were doing. I'd like to become a swordsman as well."

Her mother's calm blue eyes gazed upon her, she remained silent for a moment before breaking the tension with her knife like words.

"I already told you that there is no purpose in that. Your brother was born first so it's his destiny to rule the Fumiko clan and also become a swordsman."

Suzume's eyes weakened and she gripped her sleeves "Then what is my destiny? I'm sure that if you trained me I could become just as great as Ryota!"

"You don't have a predetermined destiny Suzume, your life has no meaning and you serve no purpose within this bloodline."

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