Chapter 94: Suzaku

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"Leave the rest to me."

With those words alone Olivia could already tell there was something different about Ren. The mopping boy that she had spoken to only hours prior seemingly vanished. Now replaced by someone brimming with confidence.

"Pfft..." Ren may have remained ignorant to it but for Olivia it was as clear as day. There was little reason for Ren to worry about being derailed from the path of heroism, because unlike many others he was already walking down it.

An untouchable will. Ren may think lowly of himself from time to time, but one thing that remained true was how strong his will stood before his enemies. Never showing fear even if he felt it. Never cowering before them even if it would be smart to do so.

Time and time again Ren has proven that the path of heroism was a path he was destined for, and without saying anything Olivia could see this.

Olivia smirked calmly allowing her gaze to soften. "What a troublesome bastard..." with his will burning so strong a fiery aura appeared around him. Burning so brightly that Olivia for a brief moment truly thought she was staring directly at the sun.

"Good luck Ren..."

With a focused mind Ren walked forward, he only had one job. To defeat that mutant as soon as possible, otherwise more destruction will be brought to the city.

In the distance Ren could hear Damien's groans, growing louder with each passing second.

He was pissed, a savage beast unable to conceal its rage.

Ren frowned, seeing a child transform into a hulking brute bothered him somewhat. But there was little he could truly do, if he remains passive many people could get hurt. Many people could die, and the situation will only get progressively worse.

Just like what happened with Nyssa.

Ren's frown hardened, becoming stronger with each fleeting memory. "I will not allow that to happen again." Ren reminded himself, as if not doing so would cause him to forget.

Often Ren told himself that if he were stronger perhaps he could have prevented things from happening.

Perhaps he could have defeated Bill.

Perhaps he could have stopped Nyssa from burning the city.

Perhaps he could have stopped Sarah from damaging her back.

And perhaps Erica's reputation as a hero wouldn't be permanently scarred.

Ren took a deep breath allowing those fleeting thoughts to run their course. He was right if he was stronger many of those things wouldn't have occurred, but there was no point in harboring on the past.

Things were much different now...

He was much stronger now than what he was back then.

Ren raised his arm revealing the bracelet, it was a black band with a red "P" in the center. Indicative of his true power "The Phoenix". By activating this band he would be able to wear his new costume, granting him the power to defeat this mighty enemy.

But activating such a tool wasn't a simple task, like many powerful weapons this bracelet required a trigger. An energy signature, one that belonged only to Ren. By doing that Ren would be granted the power he truly desired.

However, for Ren using energy as a trigger was a double edged sword. Only one form of energy would be capable of activating the suit that being Reiki.

For some time now Ren has become quite familiar with reiki, understanding full well how to summon it as well as cast it. But Ren's issues with the ability didn't come from his ignorance of using it. It came from secondary effects of summoning such power.

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