Chapter 121: No Turning Back

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"What do you think you're doing?" As usual Olivia avoided beating around the bush. There was no point in stalling even now, she figured it would be best to nip the problem right at the bud rather than let it grow. "One last time? Stop talking like some cryptic fuck."

The bluntness of Olivia's words struck like a war hammer leaving Ren momentarily staggered. But it only took a few moments for his gaze to return back to the way it was before. Reinforcing his defenses as if they hadn't been destroyed to begin with.

Ren slowly exhaled, trying his hardest to keep his cool even now. Although Olivia's brashness was making it difficult to do so.

"Olivia, I-"

"No!" Olivia quickly gritted her teeth. "Don't Olivia me, just answer my damn question."

Once again Ren exhaled, adding more fuel to the fire growing within. With each word that came out of Olivia's mouth the fire within only grew hotter. Of course Ren had grown accustomed to Olivia's brashness, but one could only withstand so much punishment from her temperamental words.

When calm this was no problem, simply talking to Olivia somewhat reminded Ren of when he'd speak to Natsumi. The quippy jokes, the harsh words, and the fiery out lashes. All of it wasn't much different from when he was with his sister.

A storm of insults Ren liked to call it. That's all, it was just another storm...another storm that Ren would have to withstand. Rather than answering Olivia's question his eyes narrowed easily melding into his bleak expression. "It's always the same..."

"..?" Both Dustin and Olivia raised an ear to this. "What is just the same?" Dustin asked, watching Ren in a similar way to how he had done before. The way Ren spoke seemed odd as if he was partially in a daze. The usual optimism in his voice had been washed out, now making his voice sound dull and void.

Just like back then...

"The fuck are you on about?" Olivia once again spat, using her words to strike Ren once more. The blows from these words hurt far less, hardly bringing any sort of reaction to Ren's face. "What the hell is the same?" This time Olivia approached Ren, forcing herself into his protective bubble with ease.

"Olivia..." Dustin warned, but his voice wasn't loud enough. Even though the image wasn't fully clear Dustin could sense what was to come.

"Ren." This time Olivia only said his name drawing herself closer to him. The closer she got the more clear it was how empty Ren felt. The cocky smile she once remembered was now nowhere to be seen. Looking at him now only reminded Olivia of a statue, a slight frown devoid of any sort of life.

For a series of seconds Olivia considered how to go about this. She thought about bashing him over the head with one of her signature punches then scream at him to straighten the fuck up.

"No...I can't do that."

Olivia then thought about softening herself up, in a way she'd imagine Suzume would. But just like before she completely disregarded that.


Olivia held onto one of her arms as she simply stared. "I don't really know what to say to him..." Similar to Dustin she could sense it, the pain. Even though she didn't purely know the cause of it. If it did have something to do with Erica on top of everything else Olivia could see what would make him act like this.

With a small clearing of his throat Dustin finally mustered up the courage to speak. "You had another vision didn't you?"

Ren raised his head abandoning his irritated frown in exchange for a more somber one. "Yeah I did."

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