Chapter 192: Eye Of Devi

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Manasa's intelligence was a blessing and a curse. Manasa Fujiwara was brilliant for her age. She understood most languages through the power of her Eye of Devi. When Suzume spoke to her in Japanese, Manasa would roar like a dragon. When Maija called for her in Hindi, Manasa would hiss like a serpent rising from the sea.

However, due to her age, Manasa was often hindered by her intellect. The mind of a child and the intelligence of a growing goddess didn't mix well. Manasa would find herself perplexed by complicated matters like relationships and other adult activities.

"How can Mausi say she loves Tachi even though they aren't together?"

"Why does Tachi love Mataji (Mama) when her eyes burn like ice?"

For Manasa, life was full of questions, and despite the world's complexity, she desired to learn everything.

"Knowledge is power, and the brain is my ultimate weapon." Manasa knew strength wasn't her forte. She didn't have unrivaled strength like Maija or overwhelming power like Renji. With training, it was possible Manasa could attain both, but she wasn't interested in hardening her body like Suzume's diamonds.

Instead, Manasa preferred to train her mind since the brain, like her biceps, were muscles.

"I will learn everything and become a valuable asset to Tachi!" Manasa swung through the trees and dove behind bushes as she stalked her family members. She could hear Suzume screaming her name from behind, but Manasa ignored it, deciding to prioritize Ren's safety over her own.

"Auntie Natsu is deadly..." Manasa concluded as she observed them from within a bush. She knew it wouldn't be an easy task to free Ren from the jaws of an angered she-wolf. "If I let her do as she pleases she might..."

Manasa shook her head. She didn't want to even entertain the idea.

"She might kill Tachi!" Manasa imagined it. She imagined Natsumi whipping Ren back and forth like a rabid dog. Manasa felt her knees buckle; her legs had grown far too weak. She collapsed on the ground and sobbed into the dirt, horrified of what Natsumi may do to her father.

"Oh god!" Manasa cried, she tried to cover her mouth to muffle her cries, but her hands didn't provide much of a sound barrier. "What if she kills Tachi?"

Manasa imagined Suzume with a face plagued with sorrow. Her black eyeliner ran down her face like black rivers, staining her pearly white skin with black streaks.

"I'm sorry Mana, with Renji gone I don't have a reason to love you anymore."

Manasa's mouth fell open as if she was struck with an arrow, and once again, she collapsed.

Manasa then imagined Maija with devil horns and building a boat to ride off the island.

"Sorry kid but Imma go fight Homura all by myself! Hopefully we cross paths again if you live long enough!"

Manasa screamed louder as her eyes grew as large as baseballs. She started crying hysterically as tears shot out of her eyes like geysers.

"Tachi! Mataji! Mausi!" Manasa saw her world shatter and fade to black like the dark void she was born in. Manasa held her head. Her brain was throbbing, and her diamond was burning and glowing. It was the first time Manasa felt the pain come from her Eye of Devi.

Manasa looked up. The noises of the jungle clouded her mind and faded in and out of her ears. They grew distant as if she was running from them before regressing into echoes in the distance.

Awaken Manasa-Devi

Manasa heard a hypnotic voice, and her brain ached as if someone hit it with a hammer. The jewel on Manasa's forehead glow red like a hot diamond. It produced smoke and burned like a piece of iron.

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora