Chapter 190: The Hunt Begins

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"Sick bastard, no wonder why Suzume was so eager to get away from him..."

Hakuji watched Ryota storm out the room like an enraged child. It was hard to believe a man like that was a potential candidate to become the Fumiko Clan's next head.

"Ryota." Hakuji marched forward. Unlike his relatives, Hakuji had the least Fumiko traits. He had darker skin, dark brown hair, and shallow blue eyes. He didn't possess the same coldness as the others or share their traditional mindset. "Take a step back and think."

"What did you say to me?" Ryota twisted his head in irritation.

"Relax." Hakuji growled. "You need to look at the bigger picture. If you act Anji you risk harming Suzume, and even if you kill Anji that won't solidify your position as the head of the Clan." Hakuji glanced at the others, more importantly, Shinobu and Ryoichi. The four of them were all around the same age.

Hakuji was 23. Shinobu was 21. Ryoichi was 21. And Ryota being the youngest of them, was 19.

Ever since they were children, Hakuji had always been the most level-headed. He wasn't as cynical as Ryota, as debauched as Shinobu, or as timid as Ryoichi.

"What Hakuji is trying to say is if you want to solidify your position as the Clan head then you must crush all of your competition." Shinobu added. She walked past Hakuji with a foxy smile.

Unlike her cousin, she had robust Fumiko features. Pale-white skin, frozen-blue eyes, jet black hair, and a chilling voice. She wore her dark hair in twin braids reaching down to her mid-back. She dressed in an expensive blue and black kimono with a pattern shaped like feathers. Her kimono was left undone, exposing her ample cleavage.

"Ryo." Shinobu whispered softly, caressing Ryota's face. She opened her thin dragon-like eyes. "How badly do you want to become the leader of our Clan."

Initially, Ryota said nothing. Becoming the leader of the Fumiko Clan only seemed natural. He was the eldest son of Sayuri Fumiko and the best fighter within the Clan. Who else would be a better pick to allow the Clan to prosper than him?

"Oh?" Shinobu's smile deepened. She wore black lipstick, and her dark lips stretched from each end of her face. Seeing Shinobu smile always made Hakuji groan, and Ryoichi flinch. "I can see it in your eyes, you want it very badly don't you? Don't worry, I'll help you my lovely Ryo."

"If you want to solidify your claim over the Clan then your options are limited. For one, regardless of how you feel about it, you must attain Shigure. Otherwise, no one will recognize you as our leader. Then you must complete the ritual, you need to draw Sayuri's blood otherwise the blade will not listen to you. Then finally you must limit your competition by destroying it wholeheartedly."

Shinobu twisted her hand, calling upon another one of her ravens. A singular raven with light blue eyes landed in her palm and crowed.

"You must kill Anji." Shinobu said coolly. "That Shaitaan (Devil), is a mockery of our Clan. Then eliminate anyone else capable of taking the position from you."

Ryota considered his options. "That would be Anji, Suzume, Ryoichi, and you." his darkened like the black of night. He focused purely on Ryoichi, staring past Shinobu to view only him.

Shinobu waved her hand and gently pet her bird. "You don't have to worry about Ryoichi. He belongs to me 🖤." She gave Ryoichi a deep smile, but he simply frowned and stared at the floor.

"Ryoichi is in a similar position to Suzume. He isn't fit to lead our Clan. As for me, well..." Shinobu had a strong direct tie to the Fumiko bloodline. Her mother, Sumiko, was the younger sister of Ryujin, making her and Ryota distant relatives. "I have no intention of becoming the next head."

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