Chapter 150: The End Is Near (3)

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"I think that's enough." Arthur clapped his hands together, directing everyone's focus upon him. They all had recently become allies; the last thing he wanted was their partnership to end so quickly. Especially over a stupid sword.

"Enough?" Natsumi's mouth flared with steam. "This isn't enough, we haven't even decided who is supposed to carry Feather yet!"

"Natsumi." Arthur's voice changed. He wasn't one to yell or be rude; however, he was willing to put his foot down when necessary. "Don't make this any harder than it needs to be." Natsumi went still, freezing solid as if trapped in an ice block. "What we need now are allies and cooperation. Not arguments and separate factions." Arthur scolded, "I understand this sword is important to the both of you but remember why we are here." Arthur reminded them, just as he did with his men. There were times when the Knights of the Round Table had low spirits, and Arthur knew he had to rally them up to get the mission done. This was one of those times; the first step he needed to take as a King was to guide his people and act as the leader they need in times of strife. Arthur looked to Natsumi then to Suzume, "Do you both remember why we are here?" he asked.

Both nodded, Natsumi stared at Suzume with thick summer eyes, while Suzume glared back with light winter ones. "To save Ren."

"Yes, we are. But we are also trying to liberate Vermillion City." Arthur specified, "Ren is only one person, he is a brother to some of us, a lover to one, but a friend to all. Vermillion City is only one place, with over a million people. Most of them being innocents that are unable to protect themselves. As heroes..." Arthur looked to Natsumi, giving her a look that included her. "It is our job to reassure their lives are safe, and I'm not comfortable in leaving their lives in your hands if you two continue to act like this."

"So for the time being put your differences aside, and fight together not against one another." Arthur spewed, "Vermillion City will be a battlefield soon, and I can't lead an army into a battle with two commanders at war with one another." Arthur then opened his palm and reached out, gesturing towards Suzume, "So give me the sword."

"...?" Natsumi looked as shocked as Suzume, while Sarah sat in silence with a worried stare. Mercy had calmed considerably since Arthur's arrival, but Sarah could still tell the wolf was tense. "___" Mercy let out a strange whimper and patted her paws against the hardwood, creating a clicking sound that traveled throughout the room. Arthur noticed this and glanced as Mercy recognizing her stare. She almost looked as if she was frowning. The same frown he had seen Natsumi give him several times before. It was even the same frown Natsumi was giving him now.

"Okay..." Suzume said softly. As usual, her voice was drenched with sorrow. Feather was everything to her. It was her last memory of Renji before he had abruptly left. It was the first and last gift he had given her as well. Suzume had only held the sword once, but it felt like she had used it for a lifetime. Just placing the sword into Arthur's hands felt like a part of herself was being torn away. She could hear her blood calling for the sword, and the sword calling for her and telling her to immerse itself in its flames and rise higher than she ever has before. The sword had a strange voice, light and delicate, just like a woman. It wasn't the first time Suzume had heard a sword's voice. She had heard it several times before whenever in the presence of Shigure. However, Shigure's voice wasn't as sweet. The voice of the sword was bloody and full of hate, reminding Suzume of her mother, Sayuri. The sword always asked for Fumiko and Fujiwara blood. It was usually telling Suzume to slaughter Sayuri and claim her place as the clan's head, or to cut down Ren. However, this was only in her dreams.

Arthur took the sword and held it strangely; just a simple touch felt like the skin on his palm was melting off. "It's hot, very hot, hotter than anything I've touched in my entire life." he thought. Luckily Arthur's body was healing as fast as it was burning, numbing the pain somewhat. "Suzume." Arthur called "Natsumi." he called again. "I think it would be best for Feather to choose." he determined.

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