Chapter 162: A Blast From The Past

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Ryota's reiki cracked the floor, implanting fractures deep within the Earth. Sarah had never felt reiki so cold. The energy swarmed around Sarah like a blizzard freezing her straight to the bone.

Ryota's eyes reflected this same coldness. They were blue and sharp, just like icicles.

With a snap of his fingers, the first blade grew. It sprouted from the ground like a small tree, and soon other blades followed behind it. One after another, diamonds grew. Each one was distinctly different than the last. Some of the diamonds looked no different than crystal pillars. At the same time, other diamonds were shaped like unique blades, unlike anything Sarah had ever seen.

With flashes of light, Sarah read through Arthur's memories. Remembering the same thing Arthur had seen in the past. However, this time Sarah wasn't sure if being saved by the shadow would be a likely outcome.

With fear weighing down her arms, Sarah attempted to raise Excalibur. She could see her breath among the frigidness of the mansion. The air that resonated through the room was as chilly as Ryota's winter spirit.

But Sarah refused to allow his coldness to consume her blazing soul.

"EXCALIB-" Sarah slowed her attack when the first wave of blades came at her. Ryota fired them like machine-gun rounds leaving Sarah to do nothing but parry the blows and run throughout the mansion.

In each room, Sarah dashed through a storm swiftly followed. Swords were fired in every direction, entirely concealing her line of sight.

"1..." Sarah swung once, knocking away a sea of arrows.

"2..." Sarah swung twice, blowing away an onslaught of spears.

"3..." Sarah swung thrice slashing spears that came her way.

Sarah waved Excalibur as if it were a whip trying her hardest to deflect anything that could cause her harm. But it was too much; the assortment of blades and various weapons darted at Sarah like an army of diamonds.

"Ah?!" Sarah felt the first bite. A diamond arrow drove itself deep into her backside.

Sarah stumbled and reached for the arrow, but the siege didn't stop.

"Ugh!" Sarah nearly cried with the second bite. A diamond blade shaped like an ancient Chinese Dao drilled a hole in Sarah's back. Sarah looked down when blood gushed from her mouth. She could see the end of the blade peaking out of her stomach.

"It's pointless, all you're doing is postponing the inevitable." Ryota slowly walked from the other end of the hall. Sarah could see nothing but Ryota's haunting eyes with the darkness of the night looming over them.

Sarah raised her arms and gathered Excalibur's remaining energy. "I feel so cold..." She could see it's golden light spilling from the cracks.

The holy light swirled and formed a pillar that illuminated the entire room, making it appear as day within the dead of night.


With a mighty whip-like motion, Sarah slammed Excalibur down and released a beam of heavenly sunlight. The light roared down the hall like a prideful lion dousing the room in white-fire and black smoke.

"That should've done it..." Sarah coughed. Sarah glanced down and noticed her legs wobble; her time with Excalibur was nearing its end. Sarah swirled around to continue running. She still needed to check on Natsumi and Mercy. Sarah had no idea how severe either one of their injuries were. "With my remaining power... I can heal them..."

Sarah recalled seeing Arthur heal Natsumi's burnt hands with a bit of Excalibur's light. She figured if she could get to them, she may replicate the same thing.

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