Chapter 109: Irene The Clairvoyant

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"...I always wanted to meet the number one hero, but I never expected it would be like this." Michael's gaze didn't change while watching, he remained in a daze a bit dumbfounded by the woman he had idolized for so long.

The Number One Hero.

The Prodigy of the Dragon Temple.

The Azure Flame.

The Dancing Dragon.

Irene was a woman of many titles, and it was because of these titles that Michael assumed she'd act much differently. Michael stared softly refusing to avert his gaze, Zhu Li and Irene were still arguing bickering about things that seemed nonsensical in Michael's mind.

For a brief moment Michael envisioned Irene differently. Recalling the way she'd act on television or even during interviews. How she'd approach questions with a confident smile brimming with absolute charisma.

Michael even thought about how she'd act during combat. There were plenty of times where someone or something had attacked Vermillion City and Irene would be the first person to take on the threat. The image of her icy eyes danced in his mind, cold and serious. Focused on nothing else but to slay her opponent and bring security to the place she swore to protect.

It was because of these things that Michael assumed his meeting with Irene would be much different. He imagined that she'd be a figure far greater than life itself and have a presence so overwhelming that even he wouldn't be able to resist being consumed by it.

But that mental image of Irene crumbled, breaking apart more and more the longer he witnessed her act in such a childish way. "Is this really it?" Michael thought allowing his thoughts to scatter. "The hero I've been waiting my entire life to meet is just a troubled whore..."

Michael sighed at the thought. It was a bit disappointing, but a bit expected nonetheless. He had heard rumors about Irene's habits but always ignored them believing it was people spouting dribble.

"So the rumors were true then?" Even saying it aloud felt like Michael was stomping on his own dreams. There was no way in hell Irene could be like this.

For a moment Zhu Li and Irene stopped fighting returning their attention onto Michael. Despite his thoughts suggesting otherwise Michael wasn't angry in the slightest, his face showed this. With his softened stare and frown leaking with disappointment.

"Rumors? What rumors?" Irene asked similarly softening her stare. Her lecherous smile had faded, and her womanly scent dwindled somewhat allowing Michael's mind to remain focused.

Zhu Li's frown twitched slightly before turning her head. She had an idea of what Michael was going to say and was slowly bracing herself for the results.

Michael traded glances with Irene before looking away. It was a bit difficult to say these things to her face regardless of how disheartened he may feel at the moment. At the end of the day this was still someone he respected. "You haven't heard them?"

Irene raised a brow "I didn't realize there were rumors about me going around? Did you Zhu Li?" Irene quickly turned to face her friend only to see Zhu Li's attention focused elsewhere. "Zhu Li?" Irene called once more only to receive an awkward response in return.

"I have..." Zhu Li remained distant unsure how Irene would react to such a thing. They had known each other for over a decade now, and during that time Zhu Li had witnessed Irene react in a multitude of ways none of which in a calm and mature matter. "They've been going around for awhile now. Even some new epithets have been created for you in response."

Irene stared at Zhu Li a bit confused and looked over to Michael only to get the same stare. Both Zhu Li and Michael were well aware of these epithets, and neither seemed all too comfortable in saying them in front of her. "Well, what are these...rumors?" Irene questioned now having her interest peak. Irene noticed grim smiles form over the both of them and laughed nervously. "What come on you can tell me. They can't be that bad right? Everyone loves me."

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