Chapter 5: Warrior's Spirit

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Rays of light gleamed against the young innocent eyes of a moss haired girl. Her scarlet eyes remained wide from excitement as they followed the movements of two individuals moving throughout the forest.

One of the figures swung their arm sending a shockwave that completely uprooted a few trees in the process. While the smaller figure continued to run the opposite direction.

With each loud explosion it was followed up by the shouting of a feminine voice "What's wrong I thought you wanted me to come at you full throttle!" 

Ren leaped forward landing on top of a large rock along the riverbed. Blood and sweat dripped from forehead and his face looked swollen. "I never said that! Besides as a master shouldn't you be holding back!" He shouted back at her.

Erica quickly landed on a rock directly in front of him and pulled her arm back "I am holding back!"

Ren's mouth dropped open before he stepped back. He wasn't able to see her due to the bandana that was covering his eyes, but for some reason with each hit she landed he was able to sense more of her presence.

His body tilted to the side dodging the blow, the shockwave from the force of her club sent ruptures along the ground that forced the river to split apart.

Ren felt the tremor vibrate through his skin and was forced to stop moving. He lifted up his headband and looked behind him to see the flow of water go in two separate directions. One heading towards the springs down south and the other flooding the south western part of the forest.

"If that hit me I'd be dead..."

Erica then landed behind Ren and knocked him on the head lightly with her club and smiled. "Looks like I scared ya a bit" she laughed.

"Definitely not, I didn't expect it that's all."

Ren flinched when he saw Erica's hand drop down only to ruffle his hair like usual. "You lasted longer than I thought you would. Hopefully you'll continue to exceed my expectations."

Ren's tan cheeks reddened a bit by her compliament and he rubbed the back of his head "I'll try my best."

Erica's smile quickly faded and became a bit more stern. Her voice also followed this and somewhat deepened as she began to scold him.

"Just because I complimented you doesn't mean you weren't without flaws." Her finger slid upwards and pointed at a large bruise that had formed around his eye causing it to swell. "You weren't able to successfully dodge all my attacks, and now your body is dealing with the repercussions for that."

"It seems like my advice didn't get through to you."

Ren quickly frowned and looked at her with a face filled with annoyance but also disappointment. "I'm trying my best alright! I don't understand your nature crap that you were spouting off!"

Erica let out a heavy sigh and gripped his head tightly making the young teen squeal in pain. She then let go of him and looked off too the side "Watch your tone when you speak to your elders."

"Tch...stupid hag" Ren muttered under his breath.

Erica's ear twitched and immeidtely she reacted by shooting her fist at his face. Ren's eyes widened and glowed yellow for a brief moment and he moved out the way.

He looked around confused only to be shocked by the similar expression on Erica's face "He's learning quicker than I thought" she thought to herself.

"It seems like you are beginning to tap into the ability...good at this rate maybe you'll be ready in time."

"Ready for what?" Ren questioned, his voice seemed filled with curiosity.

"Oh nothing, I'll be sure to tell you when the time comes."

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