Chapter 59: Hell

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All I ever wanted to do..

Was thank you...

"Please just stop..."

"Please just stop..."

It all began ten years ago, when my life had hit its lowest point.

A young boy fell to his knees, as a glowing green light reflected from his eyes.

"Hah...ugh..." His weakened pants quickly transformed into a painful grunt, as he clenched his stomach for dear life. The pain he felt was like no other, sending jolts throughout his body as it attempted to eat itself from the inside out.

"Please stop..." The boy cried once more, but the rumbling of his stomach quickly overpowered his voice.

"Hah..." He let out another gasp as his weakened eyes stared upon the glowing water once more.

The boy had an odd physical state, being relatively tall but sharing more characteristics with a husk than an actual human. He was dangerously thin, so much so that his face looked drained of life.

At first glance you'd probably mistaken him for a Halloween decoration, due to how unlively he looked.

"Hah..." He gasped once again, gaining enough strength to force himself up revealing nothing but tears at his skin. He would get hurt like this often, due to how fragile his body was.

His eyes sparkled at the sight of the water, gaining a light that he had seemingly lost. He continued to stare at it without much thought, before his stomach rumbled once more bringing forth a pain he was no longer able to handle.

Without uttering a single word the boy lunged forward, widening his mouth to drink from the contaminated ravine. But before he could, a voice reached out for him.

"If you drink from there, you'll die you know."

The boy turned his head to see a foreign man staring back at him. He had long feather like hair, and eyes as gentle as clouds. He found himself at awe, with the Man's appearance even for a brief moment believing he was staring at an actual angel.

But soon enough, the reality of the situation sunk in. The boy's face stiffened as he turned his head back towards the ravine "What difference would it make? I am going to die anyways."

The Man didn't say anything for a moment, instead looked around at the surrounding area. The people in the streets practically on their knees groaning in unison, as well as the tragic state the town seemed to be in.

His eyes fluttered, and narrowed somewhat allowing his emotions to flow freely through the words spoken from his mouth "Don't you have anything worth living for?"

The boy stared at the Man, for a moment as a dark expression once again took residence. His golden eyes became tainted, reliving the memories he had long suppressed. "I used to..." He boy muttered "But not anymore..."

The boy sunk his head once more as he continued to think about his past. An odd shiver ran up his spine, and jolted his body in a similar matter to when he had stomach pains. But this time it seemed much worse. His face contorted making the face of someone who desperately wished to cry, but was unable to.

Due to the state his body was in, he was incapable of even producing tears. "She died just like everyone else..." he tried to shout this, but found himself unable to causing it to come out like a harsh whisper.

The Man watched the child carefully, wearing an empty expression at the sight of his pitiful state.

Although his emptiness, seemed to be hiding an immense sadness that was too distant to be reached...

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