Chapter 81: The Hydra & The Wolf

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"Family..." Natsumi muttered Itsuki's words thinking about how foreign they sounded coming from a Stranger's mouth. Natsumi knew little about her Mother's time at the Dragon Temple. 

The connections Irene may have built.

The memories that flowed strong within her comrade's minds.

All of those things were lost to Natsumi, nothing more than legends that she would hear at varying periods throughout her life. Natsumi felt her body sink, growing heavy from Itsuki's stares as well as exhaustion. By this point she had been running for hours, showcasing more stamina than even she thought possible.

With a loud thud Natsumi felt her knees crash into the ground, no longer having the strength to support themselves. "Hah..." She let out a few raspy breaths before looking up only to meet Itsuki's piercing glare. 

His eyes resembled fire, not only in color but in emotion as well. Even though Itsuki didn't say much, Natsumi could feel a sea of anger trapped within his eyes waiting to consume anything in its path. The longer Natsumi stared the more bothered she felt by his tense expression, and a multitude of questions began to arise in her head.

Is he angry with me?

How did he find me?

Will he kill me?

If he really is family...then why didn't he save my Mom?

The longer Natsumi pondered on these questions the more troubled she felt by them. Natsumi already had a plethora of reasons to be an emotional wreck, and she didn't need this asshole to add only more confusion to her life.

"...Family." Natsumi repeated the phrase once again, this time the words sounded more familiar but a subtle anger was lingering behind them. Natsumi lowered her head, feeling it growing heavy by the wellspring of emotions going wild inside of her. "You aren't my Family..." She dug her fingers into the ground slowly allowing her anger to consume her.

"How dare you call yourself my Family!" Natsumi growled "If you were truly family then you would have been there! You would have stopped him from..." Natsumi choked on her own words, feeling her throat close and her eyes swell from the amount of tears that were waiting to be freed.

Natsumi's mind flashed reminding her of Irene, the last clear memory she had of her Mother. Natsumi remembered how weak she looked, and how unkind the years had been to her. To Natsumi, Irene looked dead before the battle even began, a walking corpse only continuing to move by their own will alone.

Natsumi remembered Michael, the cold stare he had and even the smug grin that was plastered onto his face. Even though Natsumi recalled Irene admitting that she had done horrible things, imagining her suffering a gruesome death made Natsumi's head feel like it was going to explode.

Both tears of sorrow and tears of anger flowed down Natsumi's face, immediately drying from the heat of the surrounding area. Natsumi's nails dug deep into the ground with enough force to peel them right off her skin, leaving behind a trail of blood.

"You're right, I should have been there. If I was then that cocky bastard would be dead at my feet..." Itsuki's voice had a roughness to it, as if trying to suppress the frustration that he felt. "And even if I wasn't strong enough to stop him, then I would have gladly died trying to protect Sissy."

"Rather than run away with my tail between my legs." 

Natsumi's face paled

Itsuki was right she did run, not only because Irene urged her to do so, but also because she was scared. There wasn't much Natsumi could realistically do to Michael after all he was strong second to no one but her own Mother.

All she would do is slow Irene down.

Natsumi's tears stopped when her anger finally quelled, she no longer had the right foolishly target Itsuki as a victim to lash out at. Because more than him Natsumi was at fault, she was there, she could have tried to do something. Tried to somehow prevent her Mother's death, but still she ran prioritizing her own life over anyone else's.

Something that differed between both her and her Mother. 

Natsumi's head sunk even deeper into the dirt and tears once again flowed. This time Natsumi's eyes burned with regret, leaving her to pathetically sniffle against the hot sand. "I'm sorry..."

Similar to her tears Natsumi's words burned. To Itsuki they were the words of a naive child, but to her they were a confession. 

To admit that what she did was wrong...

To admit what she did was cowardly...

Even though Natsumi wasn't sure why she ended up captured, she couldn't help but feel responsible for the outcome of it.

If she wasn't tied up Irene wouldn't have died.

If she didn't get captured Itsuki's sister would still exist.

If she saved Irene then Ren would still have a Mother...

"It should have been me." Another confession, dark one that had been weighing upon her mind. Natsumi's tears continued to flow dampening her tattered shirt "I should have been the one who died last night..." 

"Ay you should have..." No different from before Itsuki's words were cold and dark, exhibiting no form of comfort or compassion. 


"There isn't anything we can do about that, Irene wished for you to live so you ought to at least do that much." Itsuki tilted his head somewhat, taking a good look at Natsumi. Like most people it was easy to see the uncanny resemblance she had to Irene. They had similar hair, as well as eyes...surely if anyone were to find her they would immediately know her lineage.

The Wolfe Blood was strong in Natsumi, too strong for her own good...

Natsumi pondered on Itsuki's words. Sure it was easy to tell someone to continue living, but actually doing that had its own set of problems. 

How could she continue on living while having this much guilt on her conscious.

How could she face Ren and tell him Mommy wasn't coming back. Sure after a couple years he would be bound to forget, but for her it wouldn't be that easy. Natsumi would have to go her entire life knowing the truth. Knowing her Mother's final moments. Knowing that if she were a little stronger perhaps she would have made a difference.

Natsumi's mouth quivered and more tears began to flow, she wasn't much of a crier but right now she couldn't help but break down. "How am I supposed to do that..."


The desert was silent, Natsumi's sniffled stopped when she felt the intensity of the sun burning down on her back. The entire area grew hotter in mere seconds leaving her to be basked in sweat.

"For fucks sake!" Itsuki's voice finally erupted in a flow of anger when he rushed at Natsumi grabbing her by the collar and raising her into the air. For a moment Natsumi thought this sudden alteration in temperature was conjured by his ability, but to her surprise that wasn't the reason at all.

Itsuki's anger itself was a massive flame. Wild enough to burn away anything in its path, this entire time he had been suppressing it but now even he had his limits.

"Ugh..." A tremor of fear rose in Natsumi, when both she and Itsuki locked eyes. His eyes were large and blood-like similar to her brother, but unlike him produced a level of madness she hadn't seen in anyone.

Like a murderer preying on their next victim. 

Despite the intense heat Natsumi's body shivered, feeling herself powerless before the monster standing before her, fully ready to bash her head in within a single moment.

It was in that moment Natsumi did wish for something. A thing that she thought she no longer desired, due to these unfortunate circumstances. 

To live...

It was a desire that most people felt naturally, but to her after being so close to death made her body temporarily numb to it. It was a feeling that made Natsumi reflect on her past words realizing immediately how foolish they were. A emotions many people felt that would briefly crossed their minds only to be overshadowed by happiness or further sorrow.

But in this situation Natsumi felt only one thing...


Not only fear for herself, and how brutally this man may kill her. But also what's to come.

What would happen after death...

Would it be peaceful, or treacherous...

Would she see her Mother in death...

and if not what would she see...

Natsumi gripped onto Itsuki's arm tightly digging her fingers into his rough skin. To her nailess fingers his skin felt tougher than diamonds, initially damaging her skin on contact.

"Ugh..." Natsumi let out another weak grunt trying her hardest to wiggle herself out of his grip. But it was useless, Itsuki stood their wearing his usual dark expression. "You pathetic little shit..." Itsuki snarled, looking at Natsumi with eyes of contempt. 

For a moment Itsuki's eyes flickered once again pointing out the stunning resemblance that Irene and Natsumi had to one another. But seeing these similar traits only made his flames grow hotter. Itsuki's grip on Natsumi tightened leaving her to feel even more discomfort.

"How dare you grovel on the ground with a face like that..." Itsuki's voice shifted into a low growl similar to a beast "How dare you cry and wish death upon yourself even after everything Sissy did for you..." Itsuki raised Natsumi even higher before slamming her on the ground as if trying to break her with a single swing. "How dare you question why you should continue living even though the answer is right in front of you!"

Natsumi's body bounced against the ground like a ball, before bringing up a cloud of dust after her. For a moment she laid their, unable to move her body a single inch.

No she didn't want to move.

By moving Natsumi knew she'd be inclined to come up with an answer. An answer that she currently didn't have. Like what she said before Natsumi wasn't entirely sure why she should go on living, she had already decided that she didn't want to die. But still wasn't sure what was left for her.

Natsumi had no where to go.

From where she was currently at, she had no idea how to get home. To whatever home that her Mother forced her to live in for the last 3 years. 

No matter where she went, surely whoever captured her would do it again. Threatening her life for whatever purpose, regardless if it had good or bad intentions. Even if she did manage to start a new life at some point Natsumi knew she'd be used as a pawn once again only to hurt those that she loved...

So what was the point? To continue living without any sole purpose but to survive. Just because her Mother told her to do so, and just because a man that she didn't even know expected her to stay true to it. 

Natsumi's mouth twitched and blood flowed from it, the impact of the attack probably shattered something inside of her. But even then Natsumi felt nothing. 

Normally an attack like that would leave her crying for hours, but now Natsumi barely even reacted to it. Could it be because she was so fatigued? Perhaps, but Natsumi could tell it was something different.

Natsumi's eyes turned glancing over at Itsuki's large figure only to see him staring at her with eyes of magma. If she stood up, and gave him an answer he didn't want to hear surely he would kill her. 

So again Natsumi didn't move, fearing her for own life but also Ren's. Natsumi wasn't entirely sure where Ren was, nor what was he doing. She hoped that Ren was with Zhu Li, being taken care off like usual...but if her Mother was killed and she herself was captured there was a good chance Ren was captured as well.

The thought of that coursed through Natsumi's mind like a bullet, leaving her to begin moving even though her mind didn't will it.

"As long as the pack survives, the will of the lone wolf will always survive."

Irene's words resonated in Natsumi's ears, driving her to continue moving even though her body was broken. From Itsuki's point of view Natsumi looked pathetic, scrambling on the ground like a deer learning how to walk. 

Blood spilled from Natsumi's mouth, when she desperately tried to get up. "How can I be so stupid" Natsumi thought. Natsumi looked over at Itsuki, only to see a slight grin although mostly hidden by his rage. 

Like what he said earlier, the answer for why should Natsumi continue living was obvious. It was because her life was no longer her own. She now carried her Mother's will, the will that would one day be passed down to Ren and their children. A will that would continue down the Wolfe bloodline for years to come.

Irene fought for her Family, so it was time for Natsumi to do the same. Even if she didn't have the inherit skill to do so, she might as well die trying. 

"Get up..."

"Get up..."

"Get the fuck up dammit!"

Natsumi screamed at herself to stand, forcing her legs up even though her body was screaming back at her. "If I can't find a reason to live for my own sake, then I might as well do it for his!" Natsumi panted feeling her gasps mix with her blood leaving her lightheaded. 

"I'll be the best sister to him that I can possibly be..."

"I'll be the Mother to him that Irene couldn't..."

"I'll make sure he'll enjoy life to its fullest...and make his dreams come true no matter how foolish they may be..."

Natsumi kicked her foot off the ground and rushed towards Itsuki. Beating him in her current state would be impossible, but she didn't care. Like Michael he is simply an obstacle that needed to be destroyed. 

If he wants to threaten her life then fuck him. 

She'll destroy him like anyone else that chooses to cross her path.

Natsumi didn't have much power left in her legs, simply rushing towards him took most of her energy. But regardless Natsumi raised her hand pulling it back to strike Itsuki. It was the first time in her life she had made a fist, let alone fight anyone. 

So to Itsuki her level of inexperience was easy to see, and was almost laughable. Despite this Itsuki didn't hold back, there was no need to if he didn't Natsumi would probably continue getting up until her body was unable.

Itsuki's leg flew forward responding to her punch accordingly by adding distance between them. Although this distance was added by how hard he kicked her in the stomach. Natsumi was sent flying spinning in the air like a rag doll before collapsing into the sand. At first glance one would think he just killed her, but it was quite the opposite. Even from several feet away Itsuki could see Natsumi breathing, it was weak but she was still alive but unconscious. 

His eyes narrowed softly, abandoning the harsh stare he was known for and instead dawning a look only his relatives were allowed to see. A thin smile, like Irene Natsumi had a drive, although not nearly as strong as her Mother's to Itsuki it was clear to see her heart was in the right place. Even if it took a beating to allow it to be seen.

"We should get going...Alexander is waiting."

From that point forward Natsumi only remembered her days in Lupus. Each day varied some harder than others. Itsuki would periodically appear now and then, choosing to train Natsumi when time permitted.

He would never speak about his personal life, as well as never revealing his name to Natsumi despite her already knowing it. Instead Natsumi would simply address him as Master. 

Itsuki's training was a bit different than the other commanders within Lupus. He was far more brutal, normally beating her unconscious each time they spared and even the words he would say were taxing. Usually leaving Natsumi wanting to tear his throat out.

 Even though Natsumi respected his strength, Natsumi grew to hate him. A similar feeling she'd get when encountering many of her foes on the battlefield. 

Sometimes Natsumi wondered if Itsuki acted this way to prepare her for this, so that she wouldn't be hesitant when engaging her enemies. The countless heroes that would cross her path, as well as the countless heroes she would eventually kill. 

With each commander Natsumi learned various things, allowing her to grow exponentially within a period of 12 years.

With Itsuki she learned how to properly use her abilities, eventually mastering them to their fullest extent. 

With Zhu Li, Natsumi was taught the art of Kuso an ability only those within the Dragon Temple were capable of using. Although unlike most Natsumi's Kuso use only remained at a basic level, and she didn't inherit her Mother's future sight.

With Berk, Natsumi learned the fundamentals of Reiki mastering both Aura and Wave to their highest extent.  

But the most useful thing Natsumi learned during her days within Lupus was from Alexander, her boss. As well as the person who she eventually grew to respect more than anyone else in the world. Unlike Itsuki he was very kind to her, treating her similar to that of a daughter.

When Natsumi first arrived at the Lupus base Alexander didn't even expect her to join. In fact unlike Itsuki was completely against it. He believed the children of Irene were better off being hidden and protected rather than on the front lines. But after convincing from Zhu Li as well as Itsuki... Alexander slowly changed his mind.

It would be years until Natsumi was allowed in proper combat though, and even then was supervised by other commanders as well as another Cadet at the time.

A boy named Jacen, an individual that Natsumi would eventually grow to love.

But that first mission became the most memorable, because it would be the first time in her life Natsumi would see the corruption of the Hero Association in person.

Chapter End.


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