Chapter 96: Mad Dragon

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Simmering thoughts, ones that flowed like water. Forever changing and never holding a single form. 

Some thoughts were darker than others, and some thoughts were brighter than others. It was a constant cycle, never harboring on either side for too long.

With this in mind Suzume stared softly remotely gazing at the school entrance as if waiting for something, or perhaps someone. It had been some time since she'd last been at Goldendale. A week in fact, and the last memory she held of this place wasn't the fondest.

"Where is he?" Suzume asked while lowering her head, it had been a few days since she and Ren last spoke. Ever since Ren had left the hospital getting in contact with him as proven to be rather difficult.

Suzume looked down at her phone noticing the string of messages on the screen. Most of which belonging from a few of her classmates Anna and Dominique, filling her in on some assignments and notes she missed while gone. Something Suzume would do for them from time to time when they were occasionally absent.

A simple gesture to keep good faith. 

A gesture that has worked in her favor several times up until now. As a former member of the student council Suzume was well liked. Not only for the contributions she had done for the school like organizing certain event such as pep rallies, or dances. But also because of her other traits.

As a member of the Fumiko household Suzume was prone to be noticed regardless. But her physical traits attracted the attention of most of the boys in her classes. Her dark hair was thick and lively, and her sky kissed eyes her bright and beautiful. It was due to these traits that she was in good standing with many of the boys in her classes, and why she could make it through high school without being mocked by any of them.

Suzume's internal traits attracted attention from a lot of the girls. As a straight A student many of the girls adored her seeing her as some sort of idol. Suzume's calm presence and inviting demeanor made it easy for a lot of the girls to approach her, asking for help or simply venting about some of their issues.

Most of the time Suzume had little to say, mainly just asking as an ear for them to speak into while every so often giving a word of advice. This alone was enough to stir her reputation and add to her already increasing popularity. 

But it didn't end there, although Suzume's bubbly attitude did bring forth loads of favoritism the main things the drew people to her was her commitment. No matter what was thrown her way Suzume would do it, completing the task with more effort than what was required.

Teachers have asked her to sub in during the debate club, Suzume would take a day to study the materials and debate as if she had been part of the team since the beginning of the year. If the water polo team or basketball team were short a girl Suzume would sub in, and score more goals than the actual members.

Suzume's dedication was well respected by her fellow classmates, and her commitment was praised by others. In many ways people viewed Suzume as perfect, someone without worries, someone without fears, and someone with little to no flaws.

Little did they know they were far from the truth.

Like her peers Suzume was still human. There were things she worried about. There were things she'd get excited or even cry about. Like everyone else she still had things she wanted to strive for, things that she feared and even things that she wanted to improve on.

One of those things being her connection to Ren. 

"..." Suzume lightly frowned while staring at her screen. After scrolling through the vast rows of messages Suzume didn't see a single message from Ren. Not one asking her how she's been, or even replying back to the multiple text Suzume had already sent him.

Suzume paced back and forth, her frown growing more irritated with each passing second. It was rare for her to feel angry especially towards Ren, but his constant ghosting was going to drive her insane.

"Where is he? I called him last night he didn't respond. I texted him good morning an hour ago he didn't respond. I even asked him if he was planning on coming to school and he didn't even read it." Suzume's mind quickly tried to break down everything, attempting to come up with some sort of explanation for Ren's sudden disappearance. 

Some of the students walked by Suzume, staring at her with slightly frightened stares. Even though Suzume was a Fumiko, and the Fumiko family as a whole was somewhat feared. Suzume never presented that side of herself at school. The students always viewed her at cute and charming, but now Suzume seemed quite the opposite.

Her usual brushed hair was messy and disheveled. Suzume's bright blue eyes, her narrow and stone like. And finally Suzume's diamond like smile, was sharp and a frown.

It was hard to even recognize her as the student idol so many had come to love, at first glance most thought of her as a caveman. Or some sort of student with a demonic physique.

Regardless, most chose to look away rather than lock eyes with the rage induced Suzume. All but a few girls who were slowly approaching, they gave Suzume a light wave only to not get a response in return. "Good Morning Suzume"

Suzume turned her head giving a few of her classmates a bloody glare, causing them to shrivel up in fear "Uh...I'll just talk to you later then!" A group of girls spewed before running off.

"Hah...Hah...god no no no!" Heavy panting tickled the back of Suzume's ear bringing forth a frown riddled of disgust. There were very few people who were capable of making Suzume feel genuinely disgusted and Dustin was one of them. Not because he necessarily looked disgusting or was unattractive, but more due to his lustful and slimy nature.

"Fucking dammit Suzume look what you've done!" 

Suzume shot a similar glare downwards now noticing Dustin running up the stares "You are scaring all the cute girls away dammit!" he complained, before letting out a huff in exhaustion. It seemed like he sprinted from down the road after the schoolgirls and failed miserably to catch them.

Which to Suzume wasn't all that surprising. She gave Dustin a light gaze, they had similar physiques at first glance. But beneath their clothes differed greatly. 

Unlike Suzume Dustin was very thin, having little to no fat or muscle on his body. Not to the extent that he was unhealthy, but making it clear that physical activity wasn't his forte. 

For Suzume Dustin's physique was almost laughable. She looked at the road in the distance before looking back at Dustin now noticing the sweat trickling down the sides of his face. If Dustin had undergone the same training she did as a child, he'd probably die.

Sprinting a quarter of a mile is nothing compared to the 5 mile runs and multiple hours of sword training and body conditioning her Mother would make her do every morning. Leaving her to have a body type a bit different than most girls.

Suzume had wider hips than most, mainly due to how large her thighs were from the amount of leg workouts she's done her entire life. Her core was a bit more refined than most girls her age leaving her body nice and toned and leaving a thin lining making it apparent were her abs would be.

Her body wasn't refined to the same extent as some of the female pro heroes. Like Erica, Sayuri or Mei who were all renown for their physical capabilities, and sexual appeal. But Suzume's body was toned enough that it gave some guys a run for their money.

Suzume lightly scoffed disregarding Dustin's comment. It would take an idiot to see she wasn't in a good mood "I didn't scare of anyone, they ran inside because school is about to begin." her tone shifted back to its usual cold one.

"Nah nah, thats bullshit." Dustin pointed at Suzume's face "They ran off because of that face of yours!" Dustin spat a bit bluntly. Suzume's brow bounced in slight irritation "My face?" Suzume had to bite down on her tongue to stop herself from immediately striking Dustin down with a single blow.

"Yeah if you stand around looking scary like that all the time then Ren's never gonna fuck you." Suzume's eyebrow twitched. Just from momentarily glancing into her eyes it was clear something snapped. Anyone with any semblance of reason would realize this would be the last chance you'd have to run. But Dustin as oblivious as he is didn't notice this, leaving him to be the sole victim of Suzume's wrath.

As if a burst of lightning Suzume struck Dustin in the stomach easily knocking all the air out of him. When angered Suzume hit nearly as hard as Ren or Seth, leaving Dustin to be a bit surprised but mostly in a sea of pain. Dustin fell to his knees still holding onto Suzume's shoulder for some sort of support, only to receive none from Suzume who was still irritated with him.

" devil." Dustin gasped "You punch like a man..."

"I am about to kick you in the balls like one too."


Suzume glanced upwards at the sound of the morning bell. Dustin had been saved and class was about to begin. Suzume averted her eyes looking back down at Dustin who was starting to recover.

"Where is he?"

"He?" Dustin questioned still holding his stomach "Imma need a name or some~"

"Renji where is Renji?" Suzume snapped, it was clear her temper was wearing thin. At least thinner than the usual, Dustin chalked this up to her still being sore from being at the hospital for a week or it possibly being her time of the month.

"Jesus, calm down Suzu. There's no need to be in such a prickly mood." Dustin then sighed and sat on the steps still holding his stomach. 

Suzume stared at him for a moment and simultaneously sighed sitting down to join him. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that. It's just..." Suzume grit her teeth and stared down frustrated "You pissed me off, you seem to have a knack for it."

"The fuck did I do? I literally just got here and you went off!" Dustin spat back.

"You made fun of my face!" 

"So that gives you an excuse to deck me?" Dustin retorted now beginning to yell.

Suzume rolled her eyes and shrugged "Yeah? Don't you hit people when you get mad?"

"No?" Dustin shook his head and placed them into his hands "It's because I am not a fucking barbarian. I don't just go around slapping around every single douche bag who decides to piss me off. And for Ren, no clue I haven't seen him since he left my house two days ago."

Suzume shook her head "Wait what? Since he left your house?" Suzume's tone once again altered returning back to its brash but worried state. "Why did he do that?"

Dustin gave Suzume a dumbfounded stare "Did he not tell you? Ren nearly burned down my house the other day." 

"He burned down your house?" Suzume stood up completely baffled "There's no way, Renji wouldn't do something like that. He isn't some criminal."

Dustin rolled his eyes a bit annoyed "Why would I lie about that?" Dustin then scoffed "Jesus" He rubbed his face a bit before placing his glasses back on "Besides you already know how Ren gets, he freaks out easily. Especially when he's experiencing on of those dreams or visions or whatever he calls them."

Suzume sighed. She remembered how Ren reacted after Tony knocked him out, although Ren admitted he was still in some sort of trance when it occurred he did say he was going to cut down every Fumiko in his path. "Yeah you're right." 

For Suzume it was a bit difficult to put aside her bias for Ren. After all she loved him and knew most of the things he has done wasn't with ill intent. So hearing Dustin almost villainize him did annoy her somewhat, even if he didn't mean for it to come off that way. 

"So what happened after that?"

Dustin rubbed his arm, it was the one that was burned by Ren but it looked healed. As if it hadn't been burnt in the first place. "My sister, Destiny kicked him out. I was too injured to say anything to stop it and Ren ended up running off after that." Dustin admitted "My Mom was originally angry as well, but after healing me up and me explaining the situation to my mom and sister they came to understand what was going on. My dad on the other hand was a bit different to everything, although still wanting to honor his promise to Erica as well as wanting to find Ren he still would prefer Ren live somewhere else compared to us." 

Suzume rubbed her chin "I guess that makes sense, any reasonable person wouldn't want to put their family in danger." 

"Even if he didn't mean it..." Suzume also added.

" wasn't his fault, I just wish..." Dustin trailed off a bit frustrated "I just wish things could go back to how they used to. Back when Ren didn't have visions about crazy shit, and Ren's family wasn't messed up." 

Suzume nodded agreeing "Same, things seem to go haywire all the time here." Suzume muttered awkwardly while sort of smiling. "Which as Heroes I suppose should be expected, but sometimes I kinda wish we can"

"Be like normal students, hangout, go on dates and just go through our lives worrying about normal things." Suzume then thought about how it was when Ren visited her home. How peaceful it was, even if it was short lived. "But I suppose a world like that is impossible for people like us..."

Dustin stared at Suzume momentarily, noticing a bit of sadness on her face. He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that, like other people if they wanted to they could live their lives as civilians. To not be heroes and to simply go on living an everyday life like anyone else.

Regardless Dustin shrugged, leaning back on the staircase with a simple stare "I don't care about all of that. I just want a girlfriend."

"You aren't going to get one if you continue to lust over every woman you see." Suzume told him coldly.

"I could say the same to you." Dustin snuffed back "Ren is never going to lay the pipe if he hears you are being rude to his best friend."

Suzume rolled her eyes "I don't care about that. Sex isn't everything you know, there is a lot more to a relationship than just that. At least for me."

Dustin seemed confused "Like what?"

Suzume turned away from him and stared at the cloudy sky "A lot of things actually."

"For one, knowing that there is someone who will always be there for you is the best thing. Someone who will support you, regardless if your decisions are stupid or not." Dustin noticed an odd glimmer in Suzume's eyes when she spoke "For me it may be a bit different. Ren supports me even if he disagrees with my decisions. He still stands beside me no matter how hard headed I can be." Suzume admitted "It's for that reason that I can't help but do the same."

"I am his and he is mine, as long as he knows that I don't need sex. Something like that isn't necessary for me to be happy."

"Hm..." Dustin remained silent for a few minutes. It was a bit weird to hear Suzume express her feelings for Ren that sternly. In someways it was a bit scary "I guess Ren really is in for it for life."

"If not I'll kill him."

Dustin's eyes widened "HUH?"

Suzume then burst out laughing "I am kidding, I wouldn't kill him over something like that..."

The indecisiveness of Suzume's voice made Dustin a bit uneasy.

"Whatever, its not my problem. Even if it was, I wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it." Dustin then pulled out his phone "I'll try calling him again."

After a few second Dustin dialed Ren. It rang for a few seconds before being picked up "Yo Ren where are you?"

The two waited for a moment, only to hear a response they weren't expecting "Ren can't answer the phone right now."

Dustin's eyes snapped open immediately recognizing the voice, while Suzume seemed more surprised. "O-olivia?" Dustin's voice cracked "W-what" he was too startled to speak leaving him to stutter "What are you doing with Ren's phone?"

"Oh uh..." Olivia hesitated on her words as if checking for something before answering "Well its because Ren's at my house."

"WHAT! HE'S WHAT!" Dustin screamed so loud that his screen cracked "WHY THE HELL IS REN AT YOUR HOUSE!"

"I brought him home a few days ago. He said you and him got into a fight so I let him crash here for a day or two." Olivia told him bluntly "Actually he's asleep in my bed right now."

Hearing this snapped Suzume back into the conversation. Dustin looked over noticing the thick purple aura beginning to spew out like a plague. It was terrifying to see, and Dustin trembled knowing full well what that aura was capable of. 

Without being augmented by Reiki Suzume hits as hard as Ren, Dustin was terrified to think what she was fully capable of when this angry. 

"Someone is going to die today...and I pray it isn't me." 

"Olivia..." Suzume hissed from a few feet away. Olivia didn't seem like she had much of a reaction, since she wasn't able to see Suzume "Ah Suzu how are you its been awhile?"

"...." Suzume didn't say anything to that

"Why is Renji in your bed." Suzume hissed.

"Oh well I don't have a spare room since all my guitar equipment is in there." Olivia explained "The couch isn't very comfortable either since it's leather. So me and Ren just slept together."

"AH!" Dustin let out a scream feeling his body grow heavy from the pressure conjured by Suzume's intense aura. 

"You guys slept together?" Suzume now sounded far angrier than before. Her voice twisting and contorting like a monster dwelling in the darkness.

"Ah yeah we did?" Olivia then stopped now realizing she could mess with Suzume. "Yeah only let him get in the bed with me after he showered though, and after giving my shoulders a nice rub."

Even from the other side of the phone Olivia could hear Suzume fuming.

"But can you blame me, with spring coming in its still a bit chilly so its easier to get warm when you have another person to cuddle with."

"AH GOD STOP! THE STAIRS ARE BREAKING!" Dustin shouted on the otherside, while Olivia laughed nonstop.


"Tell Ren Suzume is coming." Suzume hissed. Olivia could now hear the subtle change in Suzume's voice. It wasn't enough to scare her but even she seemed visibly worried "Alright, I'll see you soon then!" Olivia said happily before hanging up.

"Uh...Suzume what do you plan on doing to Ren?" Dustin questioned, now watching her walk towards an unknown location. Each step she took must have weighed a ton, because the ground broke beneath each step.

"...when I see Renji I am going to break him."

Chapter End

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