Chapter 116: A Hero's Path

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Choices, they are something that rest aimlessly in our minds each day.

Choices, they are a reminder of the past. Of what went well in your life, and what went wrong.

Irene played with Makoto's words starring heavily at the leaf holding her liquid choice. A decision that would determine the rest of her life. A decision that would determine Natsumi's life. A decision that would impact the rest of the world.

Whether or not she wished to continue on living, or to lay there are die.

While contemplating both choices Irene's vacant expression didn't change. A void like stare, a stare that could look deep enough into your very soul. Irene didn't feel strongly towards either decision. If she chose to live, she'd leave this place and continue on her quest towards destruction. Finding the Demon who nearly wiped out the Fumiko bloodline and kill it to ensure the safety of the masses. Whether or not Irene would be gifted with the leisure to see Natsumi again would be up to Kazuto. With how that man was Irene wasn't too sure whether or not he'd live up to his world.

After all even though he did have good intentions, there was a subtle darkness that lingered over him. The shadow of hatred that seemed to caress his soul. A shadow that was present in every single person, although shined brighter in some more than others.

If Irene chose to die like her decision to live she'd leave this place and journey to the afterlife. Her soul corrupted by the guilt of leaving her child in a world without her Mother, and potentially dooming humanity to not have a symbol of peace.

Of course there were strong heroes in the world. Heroes who would be suitable candidates to replace her. Fujin had been a hero for decades and was well respected by his peers and the Asian Community. But unlike many other heroes he was getting on in years, and was seeking to retire once his granddaughter Ruriko was old enough and strong enough to take his place.

There was also Zhu Li, like Fujin Zhu Li was very strong both she and Irene had known each other since childhood. So Irene had a pretty good idea of what Zhu Li was capable of, in fact if it weren't for Fujin's popularity Irene believed Zhu Li would've taken the number two mantle by now.

But simultaneously Irene felt like Zhu Li lacked the resolve necessary to become the next symbol. With her awkwardness in front of a camera, and lack of motivation beyond being at her side Irene wasn't sure if she could trust Zhu Li with such a task.

Irene's mind wandered diving into its depths. Within the next generation of Heroes Irene could see many people strong enough to take the title, but unsure where that would leave Society. Ruriko was strong in her own right, but lacked the maturity to lead the world and ensure peace. Itsuki was too mean spirited to be a proper symbol of hope and justice.

Irene let out a soft sigh at the thought of Itsuki. Even though it had been years she really hoped he had grown out of that. She prayed that he had found some sort of happiness in his life to make that everlasting smile of his finally fade away.

No child should be filled with so much anger.

With Irene's lingering mind she gently traced over both Erica and Michael. Two people she thought to be the most suitable to replace her if she did decide to end it here and now. Although currently they were a bit too weak to replace her, they still had their strengths in other areas, and had the potential to reach her level in later as they got older.

Erica first thought about Erica, her sweet Sister. Her precious Sister, even though Irene did have a slight bias for Erica she also tried to keep her mind cool and reasonable in the same vein as she did Zhu Li.

"Strong and beautiful. Kind and mature. Does well with children, and is beloved among the public despite being so young." Irene envisioned Erica standing before crowds of people. Presented with awards and gifts, while simultaneously holding a powerful presence similar to herself.

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