Chapter 15: What's gotten into you?

Start from the beginning

"The two that were injured are out first. Did you notice that everyone in this match, except the Shield, had to compete tonight. I did," I told them.

Titus came right in and started pounding on Dean. He got sent in the corner before getting ran over by a shoulder tackle. Dean was able to get away and tag in Roman.

"This is what I want to see!" JBL yelled as the crowd got hyped. I didn't say anything and just watched.

The two locked up and Roman was able to take control and Seth tagged in.

"Well, that didn't last long," I commented.

Seth beat on Titus for a while before tagging in Roman.

"Oh, never mind, he came back in," I announced.

Titus started punching Roman away. He got pushed away and nailed with a spear.

"He's dead! Rest in Peace, Titus," I called as Titus got eliminated.

Justin came in next and started going after Roman. He shoved him into the ropes and speared him.

"You're kidding me!" I yelled as Justin got eliminated.

Zack Ryder came in and went right after Roman. He drop kicked him from the ropes before setting up for the broski boot.

"Woo woo woo," I yelled with him. He went for it and got speared.

"What is happening right now!" I yelled as Zack got eliminated.

Daniel got in the ring and started hitting him with kicks before going for his clothesline. He kicked both Seth and Dean from the apron and started dropkicking Roman while he was in the corner. Jey tagged himself in and super kicked Roman before Jimmy tagged himself in and did a splash on Roman. Roman got eliminated.

"" I said in surprise, leaning at the edge of my chair.

Dean and Seth looked on in shock by the barricade, "Look at Seth and Deans faces!" I called, laughing.

It went to commercial, then came back. Dean and Seth were taking control of Darren Young.

"You know, Gabby, I know we're right in the middle of this fantastic match, but I've been meaning to ask you, what is going on with you and Stephanie?" Cole asked.

I laughed, "basically what is happening is she is attacking me from behind whenever she gets the chance and when I finally challenge her face to face, she declines me. So the conclusion of this story is that Stephanie is scared of me."

None of them said anything, so I continued, "When I get cleared, she is on top of my kill list. She is going to get it."

I finished just as Darren flipped Dean over and pinned him. Darren tried to take control by shoving Dean in the ropes and rolling him up. Seth tagged in and hit Darren with the knee before pinning him.

"Ok, I'll give them credit, that was clever."

Dolph came in and hit Seth with a drop kick before unloading on him. Seth was able to tag Dean in and Dean took control.

"Ok, Gabby, you've got to admit, Dean is a little crazy," Jerry told me.

"I'll be happy to Jerry. I would know, trust me," I replied.

Dean got Dolph up for a body slam, but he reversed it into a zigzag.

"I can honestly say I feel bad for Seth," I told them.

Seth took control of Dolph, but got hit with a DDT.

"That is the last thing that Seth wants to happen," I said to them.

R Truth started clotheslining Seth before knocking him over. He pinned him for only a two count. Truth went for the scissors kick, but Seth dodged and knocked him out with the blackout. R Truth got eliminated.

"Vintage Rollins!" I looked over at Cole and winked.

Daniel, Dolph and the Usos surrounded the ring as Seth looked around at them.

"Taking a page out of the Shield's playbook," Cole said as they attacked Seth.

"Look out!" I exclaimed as Dean and Roman came down to try to help Seth. Dolph clotheslined Dean over the top as the Usos hit Roman with a double super kick. Both Usos dove on top of Dean and Roman

Seth took advantage and attacked Bryan from behind. He picked him up and went him on the top rope. Daniel shoved him away and did a diving head butt before setting up for the knee.

I looked around in amazement as the crowd chanted yes. My eyes went back to the ring just as Daniel pinned Seth for the win.

I smiled and took my headset off as Daniel started chanting yes with the fans. After a while, he looked over at me and motioned for me to come in the ring.

I was about to get in, but I paused as I grabbed the bottom rope. Daniel looked at me in confusion as I ran my hand over the ropes, deep in thought.

You can end this now I thought.

Triple H will never give you a job if you do, another voice said.

My other voice answered, He won't give it to you anyways

He might.

To everyone's surprise, I started walking up the ramp. I turned around when I reached the stage.

"What are you doing!" Daniel yelled at me.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled back before disappearing backstage.

WWE Exclusive Video..

I walked backstage and pulled my hair free from its ponytail, "What are you doing, Gabby," I muttered.

"Gabby, what was that!" someone said and for the first time in a month Brie and Nikki approached me.

I suddenly remembered when I was at the gym with the Shield and they were there. Would they mention it.

"Why didnt you come with Bryan?" Nikki asked.

"Because....." I started, "Because I have to stay with the Shield."

"Why?" Brie asked.

I shook my head, "You wouldn't understand."

"You have to come with us," Brie grabbed my arm and I pulled it free from her.


"What's gotten into you?" Brie looked at me confused.

"You just wouldn't understand! Now, leave me alone. I've got to find the Shield before they leave," I said as I walked away with Brie and Nikki watching me with confusion.
Whats a Gabby's problem?
I know it was kind of short and featured only one show and wasn't as good, but at least it's an update.

Did you see Raw! Seth ditched the Shield! I did not see that coming!

Anyways, hope y'all liked it.

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