Chapter 213: Mountain Climbing

Start from the beginning

Alicia came to the outside. I played possum until she came over before I pushed her face first into the steel post. The crowd oohed as I tried to regain myself before I shoved Foxy back in the ring.

"As far as I see it, Gabby can make one mistake," Cole said, "And that's get her anger towards Stephanie in the way. It happened with Nikki in January and it cost her the Divas title."

Alicia had gotten up. I went after her with a clothesline before I took her down with a perfect dropkick.

"Lets go!" I yelled, trying to get the crowd pumped up.

I went to pick up Alicia, but she went to shove me into the ropes. Instead, I used the ropes to slingshot me forward as I brought my foot up and nailed her in the face with a super kick.

"Shades of crazy!" JBL yelled.

I waited for Alicia to get up before I picked her on my back and hit the Gabby Crusher.

"And if Gabby hits that two weeks from now," Cole said as I got the one two three, "Gabby is walking out the victor."

I pulled my hair back as I got my arm held up. A smile came on my face as I went to celebrate on the top turnbuckle.

"All I know is its going to be a must see match," JBL said, "And I can't wait for it." Exclusive:

Michael Cole was shown on the screen.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my weekly interview," Cole said, "Tonight I have a very special guest. She is one of the principal owners of WWE, Stephanie McMahon."

Stephanie McMahon was shown with a smirk on her face.

"How are you, Mrs. McMahon?" Cole asked.

"I'm great, thank you," Stephanie said with a nod.

"So, I want to just ask a quick question," Cole started, "Why weren't you on Raw on Monday?"

Stephanie kept a straight face, "Lets just say their were things I had to make sure were ready for Wrestlemania."

Cole nodded, "Speaking of Wrestlemania, I wanted to talk about the part that you will be taking on that night, because you are going to be going one on one with Gabby Bryan in a No Holds Barred Match."

"That's right," Stephanie said.

Cole continued, "So I just wanted to ask, what was going through your mind the moment that Gabby told you that you would be competing at Wrestlemania, let alone with the rules being No DQ and No Countouts."

Stephanie thought for a second before saying, "You know, Michael, at first I was a little scared," Stephanie paused, "But than I realized Gabby's little mistake and that was making this No Holds Barred, because that's mean I can use any means necessary to make sure I walk out the victor on that night."

"Yes, but don't you think Gabby is going to have a game plan going into this match?" Cole questioned.

"Game Plan?" Stephanie snorted, "Gabby is blinded with hatred. And honestly I don't blame her," Stephanie laughed, "I have taken so many things that were important to her. I mean, if she did that to me I would want to do exactly what she wants to do to me.

"But here's the thing, Michael," Stephanie said, "Gabby needs to ask herself a question sooner or later. Is this match really worth it? Has everything that I've done to her, is it really going to be worth it just to get her hands on me?"

"Gabby thinks she's in control. People think that at Wrestlemania, I will be beaten with an inch of my life, but the fact is, at Wrestlemania, Gabby is going to realize that the authority always wins," Stephanie finished.

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