"Freedom?" Michael scoffed shaking his head before slicking back his feather like hair. "What the hell are you going on about?" Michael lowered one of his hands placing it onto his hip while staring at Irene dumbfounded waiting for an answer.

"Michael let me ask you what would you consider freedom?" Irene tilted her head, while Michael looked up letting his thoughts run wild. At first glance it seemed like a fairly simple question, but the longer he thought about it the more complex the answer seemed to be.

"Freedom is the ability to act at your own leisure." Michael put it simply "To do what you want whenever you want, and to have no repercussions while doing so."

Irene softly smiled and quickly nodded "You're right, so is sleeping with someone or even falling in love with someone of my choosing not the purist form of that?" Irene's glassy stare once again fell over Michael, peering over him like an immaculate blue veil. "Besides isn't the Hero Associations entire purpose to reach the point where we can be considered free?"

Michael fell silent, there was little he could say to that. Not necessarily because Irene was right, but because she twisted the Hero Association's main objective into a lecherous pursuit of her own desires.

"No don't twist it." Michael's face didn't budge in the slightest "Don't use the Hero Association as an excuse for your carnal desires." Michael's eyes narrowed producing a red glow in contrast to Irene's blue ones. "The freedom the Association seeks for is just and pure, not something to be manipulated by those with sin in their heart." Michael's burning glare intensified causing his aura to crank up coating his wings in a veil of light. "If we did then anyone would be able to justify their actions claiming it to fall under the freedom that we heroes have fought for so long."

Irene reacted similarly, her glass like stare deepening like a void while a fiery aura streamed from the rest of her body. "But if we place limiters on people's freedom then it would make everything we are fighting for completely pointless wouldn't it?" Irene's blue aura shimmered radiating from her body like a growing inferno. "Those people wouldn't truly be free, and the freedom we strive for wouldn't actually exist."

Both Michael and Irene's eyes sharpened like blades before continuing their verbal sword fight. With Michael striking once, while Irene quickly counters with much stronger blows of her own.

"If the hero association chose to go down the path you wish...the path believes in this lawless interpretation of freedom then the stability built by the association would no longer exist." Michael's words hardened like diamonds bracing the impact of Irene's dangerous blows. "It would be chaos, only chaos and a world like that would be far scarier than this one."

Irene's smirk faded soon being replaced by a narrow snake like frown. Irene stayed silent for a moment only allowing the crackling of her flames to fight the silence. Zhu Li looked from right to left briefly observing the two argue. Although she had her own opinions on the matter and didn't fully agree with either it wasn't her place to step in. Further involvement would only add more fuel to the already burning wildfire.

Zhu Li took a deep breath. She could sense the Reiki flooding the air from both sides. Even though it hadn't taken a physical form the anger building between the two heroes was dense enough to make anyone get the impression that they were ready to trade serious blows.

"Chaos..." Irene's flaming blue eyes quickly shifted to gold at the activation of her ability. "If you truly believe freedom would bring forth chaos then you really are a fool." Irene slowly paused looking to Michael reading his face only to get no major reaction. "It's our job as heroes to believe in the people we've chosen to protect." Irene once again lowered her eyes on Michael, sharpening her gaze. "To believe that allowing these people...the people of this city to have a little freedom would cause chaos only shows how ignorant you are to the rest of the world."

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