Chapter 70: Dreams Of The Past

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"Ah~" Ren let out a sharp gasp that immediately grabbed the attention of Natsumi. "That's Azure Fist!" Ren immediately yelped, and before Natsumi could even react Ren burst forward running towards Azure Fist.

"Wait Ren!" Natsumi reached out for him, but Ren was just barely out of her reach.

Within a matter of seconds a small crowd formed around Azure Fist, causing Natsumi to lose track of Ren.

Natsumi let out a cautious sigh before looking around rapidly, she obviously knew the general area in where he was, but finding him within a slew of kids was proving to be rather difficult.

"Ren, we have to go..." Natsumi called out while simultaneously noticing a bundle of blue hair in the crowd. Natsumi's face hardened when she stepped forward, shoving quite a few people away before getting to Ren.

"Ren." Natsumi muttered grabbing ahold of his shoulder, she didn't raise her voice at all but you could tell Natsumi's tone had changed "Do not, run away from me. This store is really big you could easily get lost."

"But-" Ren was immediately cut off by Natsumi who grabbed ahold of his hand tightly "No buts, we are going home now." As Ren's smile faded, the more confused he became about Natsumi's sudden shift. After all she seemed completely calm a few minutes prior. The only times he recalled her ever getting anxious like this, was around heroes, although he never was sure why.

"Ma'am would you and your son like a picture?" Azure fist asked, noticing that they were closest to him in the swarmed crowd. Natsumi didn't respond for a moment, instead only gripped Ren's hand tighter. Suddenly she lifted up Ren picking him up almost like a baby, before slowly stepping away "No thank you, we actually have to head home as soon as possible."

"Alright then?" Azure Fist muttered in a slightly confused tone, before looking away refocusing his attention on the crowd of people before him.

"Natsu?" Ren looked up at his sister only to see her wearing an tense stare.

In all the years I lived with my Sister I never once questioned the way we lived.

But during that time there was a feeling I couldn't shake no matter how many years that passed...

...That Natsumi was hiding from someone.


"Hey this is Natsumi, I'm sorry I'm not at the phone right now but I'll try to return the call as soon as possible..."

Natsumi's voice danced through the wind like a melody, as Ren lowered his phone choosing not to leave a voicemail. At this point he was sure that her voicemail box was filled with messages from himself alone.

Ren slowly raised his head to stare off at the distant sunset, the orange light conjured by it glared off his face causing his skin to appear brighter than usual. "How long has it been..?" This was a question that had been on his mind for awhile, and after Nyssa being gone as well as Erica, and even seeing this situation play out with Suzume. Family was the most important thing on Ren's mind.

"Am I asking for too much?" Ren's stare grew more defeated, the longer he remained in his thoughts "I just want to know if you are okay..."

Even though their relationship was close, Ren normally didn't worry about his sister. He knew full well that Natsumi was more than capable of taking care of herself. Although due to her tendencies, he expected she would run into some trouble here and there. But even when in trouble Natsumi always had a way of getting out of it.

But this time was different, it had been a couple of months since they last spoke. Natsumi wasn't necessarily one to willingly avoid contact with him, especially since she has been overprotective of him for as long as Ren could remember.

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα