Chapter 70, this must be some kind of prophecy !

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   In the temple of nature.

    Alice listened solemnly to Li Mu's report, frowning :

    "You mean Demasia was probably hunted by Orcs ? You want to ask for my help because of the limitations of your strength?"

    Li Mu nodded :

    "Yes, Lord Alice, as you know, we have a way to locate our companions, so we know where Demasia is now."

    When Demasia was caught, he was still in a team with his teammates, so his coordinates were displayed on the small map of the system.

    So, although he can't be contacted for the time being, but if the positioning, the players can also do.

    These things, after so long together, Alice and Basaka know.

    "I thought... ...that since the Orcs had him, this was also an opportunity... ...didn't you say that the Orcs might have a stronghold in the Elven Forest ? I think this is an opportunity to destroy the Orcs stronghold in one fell swoop!

    Li Mu finished, looking at Alice some hesitant look, and then said :

    "And I think the goddess will be happy about it..."

    " mother god lord..."

    Alice was heart-throbbing at this.

    But her face was a little tangled ... ...

    Moments later, she sighed :

    "It's not that I'm unwilling to help, but that the Orcs, since they have strongholds, may have Orcs priests."

    Finished, she looked at Li Mu one eye, explained :

    "As you know, Mother God has many enemies, and although He has recovered, he cannot walk to the front for safety, lest he be attacked wildly by the enemy..."

    "So, as His believers and relatives, Basaka and I must not appear before the relatives of other gods, because this is very likely to lead to the early exposure of the recovery of the Mother God..."

    "But you are different. You are not believers, and your souls are strange, and you do not arouse suspicion..."

    Listening to Alice's words, Li Mu can't help but smile wry :

    "But... ...we can't beat the Orcs, and their leader has destroyed Demasia with a single blow."

    " a blow..."

    Alice fell into thought, and her face was awe :

    "That's probably the Orc warriors of the Black Iron, the Orc warriors of this level, you're really no opponent..."

    On reflection, she said :

    "This matter... I pray to Lord Mother God, who is merciful and omniscient, and He will certainly give us enlightenment!"

    With that, she came to Eve's idol, and began to close her eyes and pray ... ...

    When Eve felt Alice's prayer, he was browsing through Blue Star's network with relish an e-book called "must-read for game planning" ... ...

    "It's Alice ? What happened to the player?

    His heart moved, and it was temporarily interrupted

    Despite the game system, Eve can't monitor the players all the time.

    Therefore, he once told Alice that if the player had any problems or encountered anything, he should pray to him as soon as possible.

Game of the World Tree (1-199)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang