Chapter 14 They're the best coolies

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   It's not normal, it's not normal !

    Why would the Chosen One be such a painting style !

    Alice felt her brain becoming more and more confused.

    After a while, a pale green light appeared on the branches of the world tree, and a human-shaped mass of light slowly formed.

    Moments later, a figure with a red explosive head flashed out of it, Demasia, the unlucky man who had just been shot off by Alice.

    He's gasping for breath and he's afraid of the tunnel :

    "My mother... scared me to death, this npc is so strong...... fortunately I reduced the pain ahead of time..."

    Resurrection ? !

    Looking at the familiar figure, Alice was a little dazed.

    "Don't be afraid, Alice, these Chosen are immortals."

    Suddenly, Eve's words resounded in my heart, as if there was a power to calm people's hearts.

    " mother god lord!"

    Hearing that familiar voice, Alice heart a peace, but then a red eye, almost to cry, also do not know whether because of excitement, or grievance ... ...

    " the mother god lord... ...they... ...they..."

    The girl is somewhat incoherent.

    " ahem... ...don't be afraid."

    Eve coughed dryly and comfortedly :

    "They are oppressed residents of a different world, and because of their stress, they need to vent. Being chosen is their way of escapism and occasionally doing things you can't understand. Although they jump out, but they are also very capable... worry a little more..."

    Eve was somewhat anticipating that he would bring in some neurotic players.

    After his screening, 300 people are either senior players and liver emperors, or game anchors.

    Long-term game time or some "occupational disease" has long let them develop lawless, afraid of things not big enough exciting game character, in the game mechanism is not thoroughly understood when not according to the routine card is normal ... ...

    But again, their ability in the game is definitely not weak.

    In a word, the big guys are often funny.

    Of course, there's no way to explain all this to Alice ... ...

    After a moment of silence, Eve said to the girl :

    " you think they're sick of the mind."

    Alice : ... ...

    "But don't worry, they're not bad in nature, and they're hard-working, and you can call them free, and when you adapt to the environment, they'll settle down... and these 300 people are only the first batch, and the subsequent electors will be much more normal."

    Follow-up ? Is there any follow-up ? !

    Alice is going to be stunned.

    Feeling the uneasiness of the girl's heart, Eve added hastily.

    "Ahem... assured, they won't be like this all the time."

    With that, he again manipulated the divine power, and sent a message to the girl's mind :

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