Chapter 139 Who the hell is he ?

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   " aid... ... reinforcements?"

    The nightingale was slightly stunned.

    Without saying anything more, he kicked open the prison door opened by the nightingale and walked out first.

    " you go save the others."

    He dropped a word and then came to the entrance to the dungeon, hiding in the shadow of the corner of the stairs.

    The whole cell was shaken again, and the human exclamations seemed to be heard faintly.

    The sharp ears of the nightingale moved slightly, and the eyes gradually brightened.

    She sucked her red nose, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and rushed out of the cell to the cell where several young elves were held.

    " sister nightingale!"

    Seeing the nightingale running, several elves met at the same time.

    " you guys back off, i'll unlock the lock."

    said the nightingale.

    A few young elves nodded and retreated cleverly.

    An older elf hesitated for a moment and asked curiously :

    "Sister Nightingale... ...who is he?"

    He looked in the direction of box lunch hiding.

    The nightingale hesitated and replied :

    "A friend I met on the road came with me to save you."

    It's like I haven't asked him his name ... ...

    The nightingale is a bit of a shame.

    Soon, she opened the door of the cell, and several young elves escaped from the cell.

    At this time, however, the stairs of the dungeon entrance suddenly came the sound of tight footsteps.

    " quickly... ...take those elves with us and go!"

    "Damn ! Where's the crazy black dragon!

    " wonder how long lord berus can resist..."

    "Doesn't it know we're the Sorens ? ! It's just a young black dragon!"

    " stop it, let's hurry up."

    Two heavily armed human mercenaries trotted down, scolding as they walked.

    As soon as they reached the ground, they saw the nightingale and others who had fled.

    In a flash, the nightingale looked at them.

    Mercenary !

    Her pupils shrank slightly.

    Oh, shit ! Was found !

    The nightingale looked tight and quickly protected his brothers and sisters behind him.

    And the two human mercenaries saw the escape elves, and were stunned.

    Immediately, they turned fierce and were ready to speak and call for their companions.

    But just as they were about to speak, a quick figure suddenly rushed out behind them !

    It's a box lunch.

    With a dagger in his hand, his expression was indifferent, and he passed through two astonished mercenary soldiers ... ...

Game of the World Tree (1-199)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz