Chapter 170 Players' Teaching

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   Let the Chosen also be responsible for the teachings of the original Elf, Serandil Moonlight ?

    On the tree of the world, the elves who heard the oracle were stunned.

    Is this... ...serious under the mother's crown ?

    Suddenly, Alice seemed to think of something, and her heart moved.

    Her look flashed, and then she bowed down reverently, her voice solemn and solemn :

    " I see. I'll arrange the right person."

    Under the crown of the Mother God ?'s for the Elves to learn some good things from the Chosen One too ?

    Although these Chosen are rude, often greedy and rude, and even ferocious in battle, they also have the determination and crispness that the elves lack, and some novel knowledge ... ...

    Moreover, although they are angels, they have no airs, and are not the same as the arrogant elves.

    It seems... ...that the Mother God really wants to make a difference with the Elvens.

    It's just that the one who teaches Sirendil has to be chosen.

    Alice thought.

    Eve was satisfied to see her followers understand what she meant.

    The indigenous elves, who have not completely changed their minds, teach a blank sheet of paper, and may come out of another stubborn guy.

    And the player is not worthless, some of their ideas, actually very suitable for the development of the Elf clan, not to mention they still have the knowledge of Blue Star !

    It's best to let both sides teach together and gather the strengths of the genie and the player.

    What kind of spark will the collision between different civilizations and different forms of consciousness in the two worlds ?

    Eve is looking forward to it.

    He was at ease with Alice, and it should go well to leave the matter to Alice.

    Of course, Eve didn't give up completely. He also added a new feeder mission under the main line mission of the Development Forces !

    And the content of the teaching is also very clear, that is, to teach some blue star knowledge, anything, but must be positive.

    However, unlike other tasks, players must first be recognized in Alice and qualified to take the task, and the completion of the task has to be assessed by Alice.

    Moreover, Eve also noted in the mission not to teach Serandil strange knowledge, not to teach bad habits, or the same will judge the mission failure, and the mission failure, players not only can not get rewards, but also severe mission punishment.

    Of course, if you successfully complete the teaching, the reward is considerable.

    In addition, Eve secretly told Serendil that both what the elves taught him and what the Chosen One taught him required him not to believe without doubt. And let him think for himself, judge right and wrong, and finally come up with his own beliefs and report them to Him.

    After everything had been arranged, Alice left the tree of the world surrounded by the crowd with Thrandir Moonlight.

    And after learning of the birth of the original elf, and discovering the new [teaching the original elf] task, the players are also excited.

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