Chapter 69 Forget it. I'll confess

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   "Master ! Something's wrong. Something's wrong ! Demasia is arrested!

    Li Mu, who is studying the Dharma Array class at the Temple of Nature, was interrupted by a series of friends.

    He looked at the game system bar and discovered that the information was from the vice-captain of the field squad led by Demasia.

    Demasia was arrested ?

    He froze and started to send messages back in the system :

    " what's the situation?"

    Soon, there's a reply over there :

    "We met strong monsters in the wild, and Demasia was taken ! Those monsters are very ugly, very much like the Orcs Alice describes!"

    Orcs ?

    Li Mu's eyebrows frowned.

    Suddenly, his heart moved ... ...

    Is it the Orc hunting elf squad that Alice mentioned ?

    "How good are they ? Where did you take Demasia?

    Li Mu replied again.

    "Those monsters were so strong that they killed Demasia with one punch ! We ran away on the spot, and we haven't been able to reach Demasia since."

    One punch ... ...

    Li Mu took a cool breath.

    Demasia is the first in full service, the blood is thick, can blow him to waste, this is how powerful ... ...

    But soon, he moved and thought of more.

    I saw him start to reply at a rapid rate :

    "It's not necessarily a bad thing ! This Demasia guy, maybe he's going to start another plot mission, and you guys keep an eye on his message... ...I think he's probably under control now, and once he's out of control, he'll get back to us!"

    After sending a friend message, Li Mu thought about it and decided to tell Alice immediately.

    No matter from any angle, with the strength of the player now, should be unable to deal with the Orcs !

    If necessary, ask the npc for help !

    He has taken Alice's good feelings so high that he can't even match him.

    If you need help, the good lady will not refuse.

    Taking a deep breath, Li Mu stood up from the cushion :

    "Lord Alice, I'm sorry to interrupt your lecture, but I have something urgent to tell you!"


    When Demasia's hood was removed, he found himself in a dark cave.

    He was tied to an iron frame, and in front of him were a few Orcs who could scare the child to cry.

    The black stone that punched him was striking, and there was an Orc priest in sheep's clothing.

    A group of strong guys surrounded him and gave him a chill.

    In particular, led by a vicious, big bald-headed blackstone !

    Blackstone stepped forward and pulled the cloth out of his mouth.

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