Chapter 103 NPC Task System

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   The npc mission system is a system eve has been considering for a long time.

    For now, "Elves Country" game tasks are basically issued and settled by Eve personally, even if Alice issued daily tasks, but also Eve behind the scenes to assist in computing.

    Although rebirth has become a tree of the world, this calculation is as simple as eating and drinking water in a past life, but that's because there are so few players now.

    Two internal tests are enough.

    Next time, Eve plans to officially open the public test !

    When the time comes, the players will be pouring in, the number is in thousands.

    And as the number of players increases, Eve certainly can't do everything himself, many things can actually be left to the indigenous elves to do.

    Eve's plan is to connect the game system he designed to his faith channel, to distribute part of the game management power to his believers, to truly integrate the believers into the game as npc !

    This is the npc mission system !

    Specifically, according to their believers' belief level, they are assigned certain game rights, build npc templates, let them have the right to independently issue tasks to players and reward.

    It's a bit like making "Elves Country" a company.

    Eve is the boss, while the believers are the employees, and the players are their clients and leeks.

    The higher the level of faith in Eve, the greater the power of the mission npc !

    And eve's plan, plan to give saint purple npc template, mad believer blue npc template, devout believer white npc template.

    Shallow believers, who provide too few beliefs, will not access the system.

    If you want to have the ability to give tasks to the Chosen, try to praise the goddess and become a devout believer !

    As for the only golden npc, that's Eve herself.

    The content of the task is set by the believers themselves.

    The content can be beneficial to the believers themselves, but it must not endanger or even contribute to the interests of the mother god, and can play a positive feedback role in the development of the elf civilization.

    Of course, Eve would encourage believers to hand out tasks in His favor.

    And if the mission of the believer can make a great contribution to Him and civilization, Eve will also reward the believer !

    Given the nature of the elves in the world of Segs, Eve isn't worried about this being messed around.

    The reward can be given by the believers themselves, or the experience and contribution that Eve assigns to them, or even the learning of some skills and career transfer !

    Of course, the skills learning given by the npc and the "direct inculcation" in the career transfer and contribution mall are not the same.

    The skills and transfers from npc require players to learn from scratch like aboriginals.

    It's another path for civilian players !

    After all, not everyone has the money to smash the contribution, more than a thousand people also out of a small salt meow with money as paper.

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