Chapter 117 Money to Be a Dragon Rider

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   "Grandma Philosil, I'm sorry... ...I still think I should join the Chosen Ones!"

    A young elf looked firmly at the old patriarch of the flame tribe, still have a little green voice with a hint of fanaticism :

    "These days... ...I see another side in them that I've never seen before."

    "They're always full of energy, full of passion, hard work, they're always fighting for a better future ! Not only that, but they've been helping us unselfishly..."

    His voice had a touch of emotion, his words were full of determination :

    "They're our partners ! I don't think we can stand by when they choose to fight!

    " i agree!"

    Another young elf nodded, and said excitedly :

    "I've been wondering if our faith is really right ? Is mercy... ...really always right?"

    "I've had exchanges and debates with the Chosen people on this issue before, and even had a lot of arguments, but then their words completely woke me up."

    "The struggle between races and faiths is not to treat guests to dinner, not to be merciful, not to be submissive, not to be so gentle...'s war ! War is cruel, a violent act of one race over another!

    "To be kind to others is to be cruel to yourself!"

    Test inside the player, many are the same on the net spray people spray the dark keyboard man, with the iron-blooded theory to deceive pure as white paper general young elves, it is too easy ... ...

    Not too much material on Blue Star.

    It's enough to change the magic.

    Looking at these young elves, who had almost changed their appearance after just a few days with the Chosen One, Philosir was stunned :

    " you... you... you..."

    It's not that she can't understand the blood of the young elves, it's just that there are only so many left of the Blaze tribe, and she really doesn't want to see them take risks.

    But looking at that one by one firm eyes, and thinking of the mother god's various hints, finally the old patriarch can only sigh a long breath :

    "Well... let you go. But... sure to be safe."

    Elvens, it's going to change.

    Even if many old elves don't allow it, a dozen young elves sneak out and decide to join the players in the action.

    But it's a headache for players.

    For players, these indigenous npcs are not only the tool people of wool, but also a master.

    Because the goddess made her own request in her mission :

    Can't let npc die.

    If an npc dies, the player's mission reward will be subject to a high penalty !

    So, what the players want most is that these elves can be honest in the cold jade.

    But there's one more requirement in the goddess's mission :

    If npc chooses to fight, players can't stop it.

    Player : ... ...

    All right, all right.

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