Chapter 34 Crazy Elf

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   With a shout, countless figures in hemp robes and wooden armor, wielding wooden knives and staffs emerged from the jungle in all directions.

    Goblin High Priest Goblin was startled by the excited cry.

    It raised its head, when seeing clearly that one tall figure, immediately lost the voice of the way :

    " elf?!"

    Winter and the god of hunting on the top, where so many elves appear in the forest of elves ? !

    Didn't they move around long ago ?

    Gollum subconsciously runs away.

    No other, this is the inherent concept for thousands of years, even if the elves decline, the general elves also have the strength of black iron above.

    And it a small Goblin, even if it was an adventure, and became a priest, was absolutely not able to do dozens or hundreds of elves.

    But as soon as the idea of escape surfaced, it was quickly extinguished by itself.

    "Well ? No... "

    Gollum's heart moved.

    If there were so many powerful elves, its group would have been driven out of the elves.

    Think of here, gollum again looked carefully, this look, let it heart suddenly a peace ... ...

    This group of elves, unexpectedly all are not even the strength of the professional have not reached the rookie !

    In a flash, Gollum figured out the causes and consequences.

    Yeah, the Goblin of the tribe disappears. They must be up to something !

    But then the old Goblin became more confused.

    Where did so many elves who didn't even have level 11 come from ?

    He thought about it with his limited brain capacity ... ...

    I can't figure it out ... ...

    And then it didn't want to, but it became eager :

    "Well, winter's on with the god of hunting ! Wherever you came from, it's bad luck to meet me ! Give your lives to the true God, and I will be able to receive His reward."

    Destroy so many elves, you'll be rewarded by the gods !

    Although the Elvens are strong, but not martial races, peace-loving they have always been weak in the same level of combat effectiveness.

    And this group of even level 11 elf rookie, in Gollum's view is not as good as a group of level 10 Goblin !

    This level of enemy, it's more than enough to deal with !

    Hehe, I'm afraid the elves will run away as soon as they are injured, no, perhaps see their army of the dead will be scared to run away ... ...

    Thinking of this, Gollum sneered and waved the staff.

    The purple-black energy was released from the skeleton staff. In a twinkling of an eye, more than ten skeletons were released ... ...

    "Destroy them ! Don't let one go!"

    Gollum commanded.

    Get Gollum's command, the undead pull out the bone knife, fangs and claws to rush to the elves ... ...

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