Chapter 72 Ambush of Players

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   Demasia found three young elves in a cell in an Orc stronghold !

    When he posted the screenshots on the forum, the players almost blew up ... ... in a flash.

    Humans are emotionally rich creatures, and there is a natural sympathy for the weak.

    At the same time, most people lack resistance to budding, cute creatures.

    And the young genie, perfectly suited to this ... ...

    Big eyes are incomparable pure, white and naive skin as if gently touch will be punctured, and that has not yet opened the appearance, absolutely called 100% pure and lovely.

    Add to that the dirty clothes, the occasional fear and despair in the look, and the faint guard and alienation that involuntarily exudes, making the three young elves look like three bullied little milk cats.

    For a moment, the sympathies of all the players are overflowing ... ...

    "It's so... it's so cute... ah... no... it's so pathetic!"

    "It's a game, but that's a foul look, isn't it?"

    "The Orcs have gone too far, and dared to throw their minds at our noble and beautiful Elvens ! I'm in on this mission!

    "Demasia, you stay on the side and don't move!"

    Demasia : ... ...

    "Go, go ! Save our elf companions!

    "Here we go ! Here we go!

    Players who are already excited about hidden tasks have become more enthusiastic.

    In Eve's perception, he was surprised to find that the original only a few dozen players to take the mission, quickly grew to hundreds ... ...

    They joined Demasia's team and began moving in twos and threes in the direction of the stronghold.

    And the reason, not just the reward of the mission, but a screenshot of Demasia ... ...

    Finally, Li Mu even had to open a group of voice, did a team command, lest the players rush past bad ... ...

    " you people are too luoli control..."

    Eve was silent.


    The sun is setting.

    In the southeast of the Elf Forest, four black iron orcs are walking in the forest.

    In their hands, carrying a dead one-horned wind deer.

    It is a kind of black iron lower warcraft, blood with a strong magic, is the excellent material for drawing the Dharma Array.

    However, this kind of warcraft is difficult to find, the Orcs also took a lot of effort to finally capture.

    They chatted as they walked.

    "Well, it's not easy. It took us a full day to hunt a wind deer. I wonder if the priest will be angry..."

    "No way, the forests in this area are too barren..."

    "If I may say, the priest is too anxious to communicate with God the Father now?"

    "Ha ha, this you do not know, will report the secret to the tribe, the reward that gets can be directly reported to the father god under the strong?"

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