Chapter 59 The Oracle of Ural

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   It was a dark cave, and the torches on the walls of the cave shone a shadow.

    On both sides of the cave are rugged murals, telling the story of the thousand-year-old divine battles, the legend of the gods' joint efforts to destroy the world's trees and elf civilizations, passed down from generation to generation among the Orcs.

    At the center of the cave is an altar of skulls.

    On the altar, there is a rugged statue of the god Ural, the god of winter and hunting.

    In front of the statue of Ural, a one-eyed old orc in a gray priestly robe kneels on the ground and prays.

    In the silent cave, only the sound of quiet prayer echoed, solemn and solemn.

    Suddenly, the idol bloomed with a light, shining the original dim cave extremely bright.

    The one-eyed Orc raised his head tremblingly, and his gaze at the idol was fanatical and incredible ... ...

    " the oracle... the oracle... ..."

    He knelt excitedly to the ground, allowing the mighty power to brush over his body.

    The brain becomes blank in a moment, bursts of majesty and heavy voice resounds in the Orc's mind :

    "Cha Fei Leng Cui, Elf, beware... ...the dead."

    After returning to heaven, Ural thought something out.

    Those elves, definitely not Hella's spirit army !

    Because... ...they have flesh, and spirits don't.

    And if the Legion of the Spirits appeared on the Segways, it would have caused a strong backlash from other gods.

    Even Hella can't be an enemy of the gods.

    What happened to Yuktra Hill was an example !

    But even so, those elves must have something to do with Hella's family.

    Because only Hella can make life immortal !

    And all of this needs to be left to the believers to explore ... ...

    Hearing the voice of the gods, the old Orc priest's body shook slightly, burying his head deeper :

    "Oc Grotto Tribe Priest Chang Jushan, obey the oracle!"

    Then, the idol glowed again, and a blurred image appeared in his mind

    It's a hapless Goblin, chased by a group of red-eyed elves !

    And the elves, covered in all sorts of rags, looked like they had been snatched from Goblin ... ...

    The picture turns, and the spirit is the mysterious force patted into meat puree, but in a twinkling of an eye and come out alive ... ...

    Seeing this picture, the old priest's mind suddenly shook.

    "The genie ? How could there be so many elves ? ! What are they doing ? ! How can they not die?"

    He couldn't help but lose his voice.

    The idol did not respond.

    For a moment, the old priest knew he had lost his temper.

    He took a deep breath, knelt on the ground, reached out his hand, and drew a bow symbol on his chest :

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