Chapter 190 Defensive Battle of Black Rock City

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   The city hall of Black Rock.

    Bahrain, the old dwarf, sat at his desk, bowing his head to handle the daily affairs of the Black City.

    Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the house, which made him look up and frown.

    With the faint noise and screams, the dwarf hammer stumbled in :

    "Bahrain, Lord ! Lord Bahrain ! A team of Dwarf Guards came out of the city hall, and they took the elders of Silling and Lotou ! They say they are believers of darkness. Go and have a look!

    Dwarve Guards ?

    Bahrain's pupils shrink slightly, and the consciousness is pinched in half under the quill in his hand.

    "How many people came ? Where did you go?"

    He asked, reluctantly suppressing his fear.

    "I think I'm coming here soon. Go and persuade me ! City Hall is loyal to the Church of Death, how can there be a dark believer ? You...

    The hammer froze halfway through.

    Because he saw the usual stable Bahraini elders, unexpectedly hastily turned around and opened the window, intending to escape ... ...

    " elders?"

    The hammer is still a little confused.

    And at this point, several heavily armed Dark Dwarf Guards poured in :

    "On the order of the chief of the temple, arrest the dark believers ! Bahrain, you have no way to go. Surrender quickly!"

    What's going on ? How could it be exposed ?

    Hearing the voice of the guards behind him, Bahrain looked terrified.

    The elders are believers of darkness ?

    The hammer was astonished.

    Bahrain panicked and hastily accelerated its action.

    Only, as soon as he was out of the house, he was surrounded by a team of guards, and soon tied up ... ...

    Similar things began to be played out in all directions of the city of Black Rocks. The Dark Dwarf Guards seemed to have "eyes" and caught a large number of dark believers ... ...


    In the mine in the back mountain of the city of Black Rock.

    Several believers fled in a panic, pushing the hearthstones of the wheelchair-bound gods.

    And Hearthstone's face is unbelievably :

    "How did you expose ? What the hell is going on here?"

    He had a good plan, and if the elves could cause chaos, he ordered the dark believers to sneak into the church of death to destroy the idol, and then attack inside and outside, summoning the shadow army to completely solve the death believers in the city of black.

    And if the elf does not come as planned, he honestly lurks for a while, wait for the church of death and the elf mercenary to be careless, and then try to intensify the conflict between the two sides ... ...

    But... did he lose all his hands in the blink of an eye ?

    Hearthstone looks flustered, can only be surrounded by cronies through the mine tunnel to escape outside the city ... ...

Game of the World Tree (1-199)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ