Chapter 97 Body-Into-God Kingdom

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   After using the incarnation of the Dead to destroy the escaped Orcs, Eve's consciousness returned to the divine space.

    This time he performed a miracle in front of the Flames, and he once again raised the faith of these indigenous elves.

    For a while, the original hundred or so shallow believers actually crossed the level of devout believers !

    They've given Eve seven points of power in one breath !

    Not only that... ...the feedback from the 300-odd Orcs killed directly and indirectly is considerable.

    Over time, although the feedback of this elf is much less than it was at the earliest, it adds up to 40 points of power.

    But Eve reckons that in a while, this approach to power feedback from the desire to complete the Elf's Reverend will be completely ineffective ... ...

    Think about it, after all, has passed a thousand years, although the elves of the dead have a great grievance, but there are always wear and tear and use up time.

    In addition to the 47-point power value recorded in the account, a silver upper strength (level 66) of the young black dragon is a windfall.

    But Eve wasn't very happy.

    Because of this mission, 38 elves of the Flame tribe died in battle.

    And the whole flame tribe, originally only 219 elves left.

    The 38 people who died in the war were all old elves, and their faith was all religious.

    It makes Eve feel remorseful.

    Because this time he did not do the unharmed rescue, a large part of the reason is because of Him.

    He didn't expect the Orcs tribe to be near the entrance of the Dark Mountains and the Elf Forest, and to have made an ambush in advance !

    "I was raised, as I was out of the near-death state and had the power of World War I, I was a little floating, unexpectedly did not communicate with Samir in advance!"

    Eve reflected on herself.

    If he had been more cautious and given the player the task of receiving the call earlier, perhaps the tragedy would not have happened.

    With a sigh, Eve thought moved, and 38 transparent souls flew from the outside into His divine space.

    It's the souls of the dead elves !

    Low-order creatures, when they die, the soul loses most of its memory, with only vague fragments of memory ... ...

    And if you ascend to the kingdom of God, the soul will lose its memory as you cross the crystal wall.

    Except, of course, those priests and priests who are protected by the true God, whose souls have been protected by memory while they are alive.

    Like the souls who ascended to the kingdom of God, the 38 elves were not priests, and they lost all memories at the moment they entered the divine space.

    And in the spirit of these spirits into the divine space of the moment, Eve's divine space suddenly changed !

    The original divine space is just a chaos, full of countless green photons, but in the believer's soul enters the moment, the whole space suddenly begins to change !

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