Chapter 142 You don't keep your word !

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   With the promise of the elves, the human mercenaries soon took off the equipment at Bellus' orders and put it together as Black Dragon's orders.

    And they, in simple coarse cloth underwear, shivering in the cold wind of the canyon night ... ...

    And after the mercenaries took off their equipment, Bellus was surprised to see the ruins in the distance and suddenly a few tall figures appeared.

    That's a few more elves !

    Their equipment was gorgeous, trotted happily all the way, and then happily carried away all the equipment the mercenaries had taken off.

    And their happy look at the equipment, especially at the robe of Bellus' staff, and the silver sword of the mercenary commander, was unabashed ... ...

    The skillful movement of picking up equipment... I don't know how many times I've done something like this, like a robber.

    And that excited look, it is simply like a rich citizen, without the elegance and indifference of the spirit.

    Bellus : ... ...

    He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was wrong.

    That look, is it really what an elf should have ?

    Somehow, his heart suddenly felt a little uneasy.

    Is it the disguise of other races ?

    Bellus squints and quietly throws out an identification, but the feedback is that the Elven ... ...

    Illusion ?

    He rubbed his temple.

    But in any case, elves are the most honest.

    If they do what they do, the genie will convince the Black Dragon !

    Belus convinces himself in his heart.

    He's had a lot of dealings with elves.

    Although most of them are on opposite sides, he knows the credit of the elves.

    The genie never lies !

    What they promised, they'd do !

    And as the continent's kindest, also the most life-loving intelligent race, as long as admit defeat, the elves will certainly not let the Black Dragon hurt their !

    Even if they're enemies of each other !

    Things like this have been verified by countless forefathers.

    This almost morbid stubbornness of the elves has even become the most effective weapon against them.

    " monsignor berus... ...they have taken our things."

    At this point, a deep voice came.

    Belus turned his head and saw that the entourage was the mercenary commander, a powerful silver-medium blonde swordsman.

    The swordsman looked at his long sword that had been taken away, and his face was very ugly.

    Bellus nodded to him and said, slightly apologetically :

    "I'm sorry, sir... happened suddenly. When it's over, the family will make up for your loss."

    After listening to his explanation, the commander closed his eyes and reluctantly accepted it.

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