Chapter 163 Blowing up their lairs !

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   The box lunch team is fast.

    The temptation to contribute is infinite, especially the exchange mall has a new batch of black iron median equipment.

    If they go to the liver normally and contribute, I'm afraid they'll be able to produce a purple epic ... ... in a week.

    But now, they see the hope of making money quickly.

    In order to prevent a long night dream, and afraid of the official discovery of the bug at any time, a few people quickly took action.

    They soon followed the winding and complex ruins of Ravendale back to the mineway where they had detonated.

    It has to be said that the ancient elves built the mineway is very strong, although the players blew up, but except for the destroyed mine car track, the whole mineway has not been blown up, the road to the crypt spider's nest is still open.

    And box lunch a few people, also still intend to use the last method hook * lead crypt spider.

    This time, they painted the Dharma array in the patio ... ...

    And after drawing the array, they excitedly followed the mine to the crypt spider's nest they had encountered.

    It's the same as they've seen before.

    At this moment, the deep caves are still entrenched in a large number of crypt spiders.

    It's so dense that I can't count how many, and I can only hear the rustling of their metallic spider legs moving on the rock ... ...

    That sounds... ...intimidating.

    And look around, can only see countless rows of scarlet eyes, there are big and small ... ...

    That's enough to drive the dense phobia crazy.

    Even if the psychological quality is quite strong box lunch, looking at the scene in the cave, also can not help but some scalp tingling.

    "We take turns to attract surprises."

    Taking a deep breath, the box lunch whispered.

    The mine path is narrow.

    Small and large crypt spiders are fine, and giant spiders of seven or eight meters may pass at most one at a time.

    Players don't think they can hook all the spiders out at once, only like before seducing Goblin, a small number of times, a small number of times, a large number of ... ...

    But given the speed of the crypt spiders, it's likely to be a life-changing one this time.

    Listening to the box lunch, the other players nodded.

    " i'll go first."

    Gourd step forward and volunteer.

    And after the gourd stood up, the other players quickly retreated and hid behind the sacrifice array under the patio.

    " gourd, we're ready."

    After hiding it, they typed on the team channel.

    And the gourd received the news, took a deep breath, to the cave "ah" shouted.

    And with his cry, for a moment... ...rows of red eyes looked past.

    By a pair of scarlet eyes staring at, even if know this is a game, the heart of the gourd can not help trembling.

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