Bayverse!Hound x Cybertronian!Reader

Start from the beginning

"Depends for what?" He said, not caring that you took it. "As long as it's for mayhem and chaos go at it! Couldn't be more proud of ya, babe." He wrapped an arm and your shoulders and shook you a little in a big side big.

You almost dropped the knife from how he shook you. "I was going to use it to recharge with, y'know in case you go out at night."

"Aww, how sweet. Don't take it personally but booooo!" He let you go. "I want chaos! Mayhem! Death! Okay maybe not the last thing right now but definitely cut pieces off of Drift and make him choke on it."

You snorted, holding the knife a little tighter. "You're so cruel!" You laughed, putting the knife in your own little place. "Thanks for the gift."

"You took it, but sure," He patted your back then backed up a bit. "Come on, let's go bother Bee or somethin'. He's the only other cool one here beside you and I." He nudged you before turned around and walking ahead.

You laughed a little and followed after him, loving his personality. What were you thinking? You loved pretty much everything about this 'bot!

You walked beside him, looking around for the black and yellow bot. Hound took your arm in his, bending down a bit. You looked at him just as he tossed something at you.

You caught it just in time and looked at it. You rose an optic ridge in confusion, studying it. Hound chuckled beside you and pointed to the top.

"Push that down," he whispered. "Then hide it by Drift. You got thirty seconds, soldier." He took his arm and patted your lower back, pushing you towards the samurai.

You looked back to Hound, who's smile and chuckling made you realize this was what he has been working on all day. He rubbed his hands together and motioned you to go.

You rolled your eyes and huffed. You snuck up to Drift, listing to his meditation. He was too focused on balancing and reciting the same saying repeatedly to notice you. You hid the thing beside Drift and pressed the top down.

You quickly snuck off again. You made your way back to Hound, who was still chuckling. Probably from his mad genius or something similar. You didn't know, but you swore a bit of Crosshairs was rubbing off on him.

You watched the Drift, confused as to what it did. You looked at Hound. "What-" Hound shushed you and gestured for you to watch. You vented but obeyed, watching.

After a moment the small bomb went off, some kind of liquid flying everywhere. Drift got flown off of his sword and onto a pile of cars, the liquid all over him. Hound started to laugh, holding his stomach.

"That's what you get," he called, watching as Drift got off of the cars. He tried to He t the liquid off but it wouldn't leave. This made Hound laugh harder. "It's tar, genius!"

"I will kill you!" Drift roared, trying to get himself unstuck to himself. He couldn't even open his servo to grab his sword. You started to laugh too, not able to help it anymore.

Hound suddenly picked you up, another sound of a bomb going off. Crosshairs could be heard a distance away screaming-probably from the same problem.

"OoP gotta run-" Hound said, starting to run away with you over his shoulder. Cade could be heard screaming and yelling from the garage, not at all pleased with the pranks. "Sorry Cade, gotta roll!"

Hound transformed and you ended up on his roof. You let out a grunt of laughter, seeing Crosshairs trip over himself from the tar sticking his legs together. You rolled off of the hood of Hound's alt and transformed too, {riding/flying/running} with him to escape the shots from Crosshair's gun.

Bumblebee was having a blast, laughing so hard he had to get on the ground and hold his stomach. He was laughing so hard he start to wheeze and cough to breathe.

"We are some dead when we get back," you told Hound through the COM link. "You didn't think that through, did you?"

"Of course I did!" Hound responded. As you two left the junkyard in a hurry, you honked to the chief once you passed. "Just don't get caught."

"What a great plan, Hound," you said, the sarcasm dripping from your words. "What else did you do, hm?"

Hound chuckled again, the same chuckle as earlier. You vented heavily, knowing too well he did something else to piss them all off.

"I may or may not have given one to Jimmy-J."

"Babe, you are so dead."

"Hey, life is to be lived to the fullest! And I'm almost bad ideas. I am the king of bad ideas!"

"Yes, and now you'll die. Good job."

"I kill 'Cons for a living, babe. I'll go down fighting, don't worry about it!"

It was silent for a minute. You heard your COM link go on from Bumblebee. You listened for a second before hearing a roar on the other line. Bumblebee began to frantically talk, a bit too fast to comprehend a first.


"I heard it."

"Grimlock's stuck in the tar."

"I know."

There was silence again. After a minute you spoke again.

"You were saying about 'not going down with a fight'?"

"Shh, let me think about my life choices."

"Good way to spend the last day of your life."

"I know, right?"


Word Count:

•Author's Note:

Hello friends! Humans, Cybertronians, other living beings. This is the 178th chapter of Transformers:Oneshots. In two more chapters it will be 180. Remember, there are only TWENTY ONE slots for requests!

Go to the chapter 'Hello, Friends! News Flash' and read the contents! Leave your requests there for me, and all do them will be read over, and I will be choosing twenty one of them! Get lucky and try it!

Like this chapter, all chapters will be longer with better grammar and writing in general! This may only be a little over 1K words, but the longest short story I have written has been over 6K words, near 7K! Want a chapter that long? Try your luck with your request!


•Bayverse!Nitro Zeus x Quiet!Decepticon!Femme!Reader Pt. 2

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