Hundred Ninety Seven

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Alex slept on the couch for about an hour.

Mitch and Scott ate their sandwiches in the kitchen quietly as he slept, Mitch too perplexed to speak.

Scott leaned over to kiss his shoulder. "Babe... I know it's hard to think about, and.. I can't imagine how upset you are, but... Will you please talk to me? Please explain to me what's going on in that head of yours?"

Mitch glanced over at him, placing his sandwich down on the plate. "Is that a sarcastic question? You want me to talk about how I feel about ruining our best friends' relationship?"

"That's not your fault, babe. You know that. You can't put this blame on yourself."

"Too late. I shouldn't have allowed him to flirt with me, I just... I just thought he was being cute, I didn't know he actually meant it."

"To be absolutely fair... I don't really blame him for having a hot dream about you, considering what you look like. And I... I trust him enough to know he wouldn't lay a hand on you. The only problem I have, is that he didn't tell me he felt this way. And... Also that he often gets mean and bosses people around, and... I don't want him to hurt you accidentally."

"You think he might?"

"I think... Avi has a habit of wanting to protect the people he loves, and... In doing so, he likes to push them around because he thinks his opinion is right, and he wants to keep them safe."

Mitch looked down at his lap. "Do you think... Um. He and Alex are gonna turn out okay?"

"I certainly hope so. As hard as it was for them, I really think it was beneficial. Alex teaching Avi to be more kind, and Avi teaching him to have a backbone and stand up for himself."

Mitch shook his head slowly, and leaned against Scott's arm. "How could this have happened? Everyone was so happy."

Scott's arm immediately slid around Mitch's waist. "Well, you're the one with the brain, so. What do you suggest we do about all this..?"

"I have no idea, honey... I guess just... Take care of Alex, and... Support his decision. And you need to make sure Avi doesn't do anything stupid. Got me?"

"Yeah, I got it. I can do that."


Alex finally woke up on the couch, and he stood slowly. He found his phone laying carelessly on the table, only to see a dozen calls from Kirstie, some texts from Kevin, and then about a thousand things from Avi on different social media.

He walked into the kitchen, meeting Mitch's eyes first. "Mitchie... Will you please feed me?" He asked softly, almost inaudibly. 

Mitch jumped up quickly. "Of course, babe. What are you hungry for?" He glanced back at Scott. "Do you have any stuff to make a salad? Or something really healthy that he'll like?"

Alex spoke before Scott did. "Actually, can we order a pizza or something?"

Mitch stared at him with wide eyes momentarily, but then nodded quickly. "Sure, yeah, of course."

Alex sniffled again, and leaned against the door frame as Mitch hurried past him to find his phone. 

Scott eyed him anxiously. "Alex, why don't you come sit over here with me? Are you doin' okay?"

Alex wandered over slowly, sitting beside him. "I'm fine." He pushed his phone toward Scott. "I don't wanna look at these... Would you mind reading them to me, maybe?"

Scott shrugged. "I don't see why not." He grabbed Alex's phone, and started with Kevin's messages. "Kevin's worried, obviously. He wants you to know if you need anything... You know where to find him."

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