Hundred Forty Seven

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Tbh I spent approximately 13 hours watching the entire new season of OITNB yesterday, and I don't regret it.

That's literally all I did. All day. And for some reason.. I still don't regret it xD


When Alex's team did walk into the room, Alex had to jump away from Avi.

They all flooded into the locker room, carrying their bags to change into their uniforms. 

A few of them walked by and said hello to Alex, until finally Jake walked over.

Jake smiled at him. "Hey, Lex." He gave a smile to Avi too. "Hi, I've seen you around, um... My name's Jake."

"Avi." He mumbled, giving him a nod. 

Jake set his bag down next to Alex, and began grabbing his uniform out of it. "I can rush to get ready, and then help out setting the field up if you want? I know you gotta talk to the other coach as well, so I'd like to help."

Alex nodded, and looked to Avi. "You can come too, if you want... I mean, so you're not alone until Scott and Mitch get back."

Avi glanced over to see Jake changing his shirt, and he raised an eyebrow at how unimpressed he was. Did Alex really ditch him for--? Maybe that's the jealousy speaking. "Okay."

Jake glanced over at them, seeing both of them watching him. "I'm... I'm sorry, did I totally interrupt something? I can change somewhere else."

Avi smirked a little. "Yeah, why don't you--?"

Alex spoke over him. "No, no, it's okay. Avi's just weird around people he's not that familiar with."

Jake glanced in between them. "Okay... Um... I just need to tie my shoes, and then we can go."

Alex shot a glare at Avi, and Avi returned it. 

Jake kept staring at them. "Or, um... If you guys wanna go talk to the coach, and then I'll meet you out there?"

Alex nodded, giving Avi a small shove. "Let's do that."

Avi rolled his eyes and started to walk away. As he did so, Jake tried to reach out and grab Alex's hand. 

Alex allowed it, though he flinched a little. 

Jake eyed him nervously. "Alex, are we okay..?"

"We can talk in a bit. I promise. I..." Alex could see Avi turn around, but it didn't matter. Because he knew that he owed this to Jake. "I owe you an explanation. I... I haven't been fair to you."

Jake let go of his hand, nodding slowly. "Okay. That's fine."

"Please don't be upset..."

Avi stepped forward. "Is something wrong, Alexander? Something you need to talk about right now?"

Alex gave him a confused look. "I... No. He and I are gonna talk later. Unless you have a problem with that?"

Avi squinted at him. "Looks like you and I are gonna have to talk too. That's fine."

Alex sighed, and looked back to Jake. "Anyway. I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?"

Jake nodded once, leaning forward to kiss Alex's cheek. "Okay."

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