Hundred Forty Nine

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Okay this is literally not self PR (bc I don't believe in that) but it literally warms my heart so much to see all of y'all voting in that thing.

And I really tried to thank all of you as individuals bc I know it's better but just in case I missed someone THANK ALL OF YOU bc I love you all so much and I want to CRYYYYYY

And I wanna contact that human that writes that voting book and ask her to do one for readers.

Like if all the AUTHORS commented to vote for categories about the readers (like funniest comments and stuff). I think THAT would be dope. Is that silly? Probs.


As the crowd was hyped up by Alex and Jake taking the ball down the field in hopes of scoring a goal, Avi couldn't have been more stoic.

The only reason he broke through it, was because Alex was the one to actually score.

Mitch and Scott jumped up with him to cheer, and Alex took notice of them just to wave as he jogged back to his own side of the field.

He received high fives from the players on his team that he jogged past, though he coordinated a chest bump with Jake, causing them both to laugh.

Which of course is how the frown returned to Avi's face.

Scott put an arm over him too, pulling Mitch a little closer as he did so to bring him into the conversation. "You have to respect that he has friends, Avi. And teammates too."

"But he doesn't have to act this way after what happened between them. Or between he and I for that matter."

"I'm sorry, Avi... You have to let him sort this out himself."

The game ended quickly after that, with Alex's team taking a win.

Scott and Mitch followed Avi as he rushed down the bleachers to congratulate Alex, Scott holding Mitch's hand tightly as they walked.

Alex shook the hands of the people on the other team, before he walked over to thank both of the referees, and then went to see the coach of the other team.

Avi was growing more and more impatient, but Scott was doing his best to distract him.

Alex also needed to speak to his team for about five minutes, and then as he dismissed them he gave them small things to do to clean up their field before letting them leave.

Alex did a task as well, and as he was walking to the locker room, Jake rushed to catch up to him.

Alex smiled a little. "Hey, you played really well--"

"You're leaving me for that other guy, aren't you?" Jake asked quickly, and then blushed a little. "I mean, not leaving me like we're together, but like... Y'know."

Alex's smile dropped. "Jake... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have been such a dick to you."

"No, it's... I can see the way he looks at you. That's all... How long have you guys been..?"

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