Hundred And Four

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Scott had stopped eating halfway through the movie Mitch chose to watch, just to lean back and text someone. 

Mitch glanced over, still chewing slightly. "You alright?"

"Yeah, sorry. Avi's asking me something. I promise I'm not ignoring you."

"No worries. Take your time, it's okay."

Scott visibly looked worried, or maybe just concerned? Mitch couldn't be sure. And Scott didn't say anything for a few minutes, when he pulled the phone away from himself. "Okay, I'm done, sorry."

But just after he said that, his phone started buzzing in his hand from a phone call. He glanced down, and then swiped to one side to ignore the call. 

Mitch leaned back a little too. "Babe, is something wrong? You hardly touched your food."

"I'm getting to it, just--" His phone went off again, but again he swiped at the screen. "Jesus fuck calm down."

Mitch frowned a little. "Why won't you tell me what's going on, baby? Is Avi okay?"

Scott nodded, taking his phone and gently tossing it across the room onto the other couch. "Yeah. It's fine." He then scooted forward to start eating, but wasn't very hungry at all. 

Mitch moved over a little, sitting closer to him and placing a hand on Scott's knee. "Talk to me. Why is he trying to call you?"

Scott seemed to have a realization, and his facial expression changed. "Y'know what..? You should go answer that."

"Answer what? Your phone?"

"Yeah." Scott nodded a little more, seemingly liking his plan. "Yeah, you should."

Mitch only wanted to know what was wrong, so he stood up and did as he was asked. "Okay fine, but I don't see why this is such a big deal." He didn't bother looking at the number, knowing it was Avi. "Hello?"

"Scott, honey, I got through to you. Are you feeling okay? Your voice sounds--?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am. This isn't Scott. I'm just a friend of his... Might I ask who's calling?"

"Oh sorry, that was rude. Hi, Scott's friend. I'm Connie. Where might Scott be?"

Mitch turned to Scott quickly. "C-Connie? Like... Connie formerly Hoying? Like... Scott's biological--?"

"Yes, that's me, dear. Are you... Alex? You don't sound like Avi..."

"No, Ma'am. Um... I'm Mitch. Mitchell?" Had Scott really not talked about him..?

"Oh! Right! Sorry, you said you were a friend and I just assumed--"

"He didn't introduce me as a friend?"

She paused a moment. "Well no, honey. He told me you were his boyfriend."

Mitch smiled a little, still staring at Scott, who was finally chowing down on some of his food. "Oh, did he now?"

"He did. Talks about you all the time. Anyhow... Is he around?"

"He's sitting right in front of me, actually." Mitch said softly, staring fondly at said man. "I can hand him the phone if you'd like."

"Yes please, dear. Was nice to finally speak to you."

"Same to you, Ma'am." He slowly walked forward to hand Scott the phone, unable to resist bending down to peck his lips once. He tasted faintly of some kind of chicken, but Mitch couldn't be bothered in the slightest. 

Scott leaned away from the table, phone in hand. "Hey, Ma." He patted his thighs with one hand, grinning at Mitch. 

Mitch only hesitated a moment, before climbing onto Scott's lap and wrapping slim arms around Scott's neck as Scott's free arm wrapped around his midsection. 

Scott chuckled a little. "Yeah, he's cute, huh?"

Mitch could also faintly hear Connie through the phone. "Absolutely! He's so polite, and sweet, and... He's very feminine sounding. How on Earth did you score someone like that?"

"I don't deserve him. That's for sure."

Connie laughed a little. "Well aren't you humble? Are you at home with Rick?"

"At home, yes. Haven't seen Rick in days."

"Oh? Why's that? You told me he was giving you money?"

"Well yeah. That part's true. But he threatened to beat my ass, so I got the Hell out of the house. Found Avi. And when we got back, he'd gone away again." Scott cleared his throat a little. "Hey, Ma, I feel bad that Mitch is just kinda chillin' here so I'm gonna put you on speaker, okay?"

"That's fine, honey."

Mitch shook his head, even as Scott set the phone on Mitch's knee after putting it on speaker. "Oh, Scottie, you don't have to--"

"Shh. But yeah, he just left. So I don't know where he went but I hope he doesn't come back."

Connie sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, honey. He's so irresponsible. Has he been taking care of the house at all?"

"Uh... Sometimes Avi comes over to help me clean it. And... I pay a few bills, but nothing I can't handle."

"He's not even paying his bills?" There was movement on the other end, as if she'd just stood up. "Scott, that's enough. I'm coming down there, and he's gonna meet me there, and.. We're gonna figure this out."

"No, no, it's okay. I have less than a year left of school until I'm getting the Hell out of here. So, don't bother."

"Where will you go, Scott?" She asked quietly. 

Scott didn't hesitate at all. "Wherever Mitch is going."

Mitch pressed a quick kiss to Scott's shoulder, leaning into him a little more.

Connie didn't respond to that, but continued on her last point. "This is too much, Scott. I'm gonna come down there. I can't just leave my son to get treated this way."

"Well, you didn't have a problem leaving the first time." He muttered.

Mitch spoke softly. "Scottie, don't..."

Connie didn't seem affected. "That was something else."

"Doesn't matter. Doesn't make the bruises go away. I don't want you coming here, Mom. I've finally figured out my life without you in it, and I don't want you to fuck it all up."

"Scott Richard, watch your mouth. I'm your mother, and if I want to--"

"Stop telling me what to do as if you care about me. It was fine when it was just occasional texting to make sure that bastard hadn't killed me yet, but this is too much. I don't want you in my home."

"Honey, please--"

"He threw another beer bottle at me. Just so you know. And where were you when that all happened? Living it up with your new boyfriend?" He shook his head once. "I can't do this right now, Connie. Have a nice day." He quickly hung up. 

Mitch was staring at him, mouth slightly open. "Baby... Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Scott tossed his phone to the other couch. "Have you had enough to eat?"

Mitch's sympathetic look never ceased. "Yeah... I'm okay. But you didn't eat very much."

Scott shrugged, sliding his hand up Mitch's thigh again. "Have you considered my offer from earlier?"

"Scottie, we need to talk about this before you--"

"No we don't. What I need is your legs wrapped around--"

"Hey. Don't change the subject."

"You said after we ate..." Scott's hand then slid high enough to sneak under Mitch's boxers. 

Mitch didn't react at all, his eyes still sad. "Scottie, your mom sounds like she's really trying... Why won't you let her help?"

"I don't need help. I didn't need her help then, and I sure as Hell don't need it now."


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