Hundred Thirty Three

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Walking out of the diner, Avi held the door again as he slid his wallet into his back pocket. 

"Thanks again, Av. Was nice to spend some time together." Alex said suddenly with his signature, toothy smile. 

Avi nodded once. "Of course.. I'd like to do that again, if... That's not too forward."

"No, no I absolutely agree."

Avi walked around to his own side of the car, and then suddenly stopped and looked up at Alex as he opened his own door. "Aw, fuck me sideways. I forgot to open your door."

Alex giggled a little as he climbed into his seat. "It's no problem, Avi. The world blessed me with hands for a reason."

"Yeah." Avi cleared his throat, not letting his imagination run wild with that one. "Okay." As he climbed into the car to start driving, he could feel Alex staring at him. 

"So, where to next?"

Avi glanced over. "Oh... You didn't wanna go home? Thought you'd be sick of me by now."

"I'm perfectly content. I mean, unless you had something to do today..? I totally understand."

"I was gonna check on Scott, but. I can go later. Wanna go to a movie or something?"

Alex nodded quickly. "I'd love to."


"I was being nice, Scottie."

"No, you weren't."

"Well, his ass was askin' for it."

Scott glanced over at him, before his eyes returned to the street in front of him. "Christ, you're starting to sound like me."

"Am I?"

"Definitely. That's never good. Might lower your IQ."

Mitch scoffed. "Will you stop that? You're not unintelligent."

"Less intelligent than you."

"You're just a different type of smart, Scottie. School grades don't define your intelligence."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you... Did you know Avi took Alex out to breakfast this morning? Like as an official date."

"No way! How cool." Mitch grinned widely. "I hope they work out... I think they have potential if they just put the work in."

"I agree. Avi needs to step it up.. I mean, I love him and all. But he tends to... Withdraw from people."

"Why is that? Do you know?"

"He and his dad were really close. So... When he died, Avi wasn't sure where to put his trust. And he still struggles with that, y'know."

"Oh... I understand. I'm sorry to hear that." Mitch looked down when Scott's phone went off once. "Oop... Want me to check that?"


Mitch picked the phone up, swiping to type his birthday in. "Looks like it's from Connie... Still want me to look?"

"Go ahead."

Mitch felt a little bad about it, knowing how upset Scott had been when he got home. "She wants you to bring me down for a visit sometime, before she goes back to LA."

"Tell her no."

Mitch looked over at him. "Scottie... Please? I'd love to meet her."

"I said no, Mitch."

"I know, honey..." Mitch softened his voice as much as he could so he wouldn't make Scott upset. "But... She's a big part of your life. And I want to be involved in all of it, okay? Please?"

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