Twenty Seven

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Scott instantly turned to him. "Mitch, oh my God, are you okay?"

Mitch just shook his head and continued to sob loudly. "Shit, I'm in so much trouble! Why am I so fucking stupid? Why did I say that?" Mitch bent himself nearly in half to cry into his knees.

Scott backed his seat up quickly, and reached over to hug Mitch or offer some kind of comfort.

Mitch smacked his hands away. "Don't touch me, just.. Don't touch me. Why are you dating someone so pathetic?" Before Scott could answer, Mitch moved on to another topic. "Fuck, why did I say that? What's wrong with me?"

Scott didn't know what to do, but Mitch didn't seem coherent at the moment, so Scott got out of the car, walked around to Mitch's side of the car and opened the door.

Scott then maneuvered Mitch around to lift him up, and sit underneath him before closing the door.

Mitch hardly even noticed, as hard as he was crying. He didn't feel Scott move the seat back, and then lean the seat back.

Scott rubbed Mitch's back for him, rubbing his palm in a circle to relax him. "Shh, baby. It's okay. I've got you."

Mitch sobbed a little louder for a few seconds, and then calmed down quickly, sniffling and griping Scott's shirt tightly. "Fuck, I'm a mess."

"Will you tell me what's wrong? What happened?"

"I can't. It's too embarrassing. But... In short, I think I just admitted to my parents that I'm not a virgin."

"Jesus, what on earth brought that conversation up?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

Scott frowned, kissing Mitch's forehead once. "I'm sure it's all gonna be okay, babe."

"No it isn't. You don't even know, Scott. I made the mistake of telling them when I had my first kiss, and they made me wash out my mouth with soap for like an hour. I can't even imagine this. They're gonna, like... Make me pour bleach on my dick or something."

Scott couldn't help but snort at the last part, but gained his composure at the glare Mitch gave him. "Sorry. I don't think they'll do that. You're technically an adult, Mitch. You can make your own decisions."

Mitch shook his head and rested it on Scott's shoulder. "You don't understand."

"No, I don't. You're right about that. Is there something I can do to help you?"

Mitch shut his eyes tightly, and sniffled again. "No. I'm too upset."

"You're gonna have to go home at some point, baby. Would it be better if I went with you? Or Alex maybe?"

"Man... I should tell them I'm dating Alex. Maybe they'd be okay with it all then..."

"We can try." Scott responded softly, running his fingers up and down Mitch's spine. "I'll call him if you want."

Mitch didn't move from his spot at all. "Okay."

Scott tried something, curiously. He ran his fingers across Mitch's stomach, and then slowly ran them along the inside of Mitch's thigh. "Do you want me to help you this way?"

Mitch gasped when Scott trailed over a certain spot in his jeans. "Scott, not in your driveway."

"Why not?" Scott hummed, slipping his fingertips underneath the waistline of Mitch's jeans.

"Because I just said so. I'm too upset."

"I could fix that for you."

Mitch leaned close to his face, smirk slowly spreading onto his face. "Get your hand out of my pants."

Scott chuckled, and obeyed him. He was just happy to see Mitch smile again.

Mitch sniffled one more time, before finally settling comfortably against Scott's chest. "I think I'm okay now. I mean... I'm gonna get brutally murdered as soon as I get home. But I'm okay."

"Don't say that. I wouldn't let them hurt you. Want me to go inside with you?"

"Scottie... You might make it worse. They just see you as some punk kid. Horrible influence on me and all that."

"But... I didn't do anything wrong."

Mitch looked up, eyes searching Scott's sad face. "I know, babe... I know. I'm so sorry."

Scott looked away from him, unable to stand how concerned he looked. "Yeah. Well."

Mitch reached up to grab his chin, but Scott shook his hand off.

Scott leaned away slightly. "So... You don't want to introduce me? You... Said earlier you want to introduce Alex instead?"

"Uh... Well. That might let me get out of the house more. I wouldn't have to hide hickeys, or make excuses for wearing your clothes..."

"Mitch... This is gonna blow up in our faces. I just know it."

"Maybe... But you don't even know if Alex wants to do it anyway."

"Of course he does. A chance to date you?" He scoffed, and looked out the window.

Mitch frowned. "I thought it was a good idea. But if you don't want to, then... We won't. We'll keep sneaking around."

"Don't try to guilt me into it."

"I wasn't."

"Can we... Maybe just... Try introducing our relationship to your parents one more time? Maybe I can... Hide my tattoos. And take out my piercings."

"What's the point of introducing a fake version of you?"

"Because then at least they'd let me take you out. And I could like.. Eat dinner with the family so you don't have to be alone with them."

"Unless they recognize you. And then I'll never be allowed to see you again."

"We wouldn't let that happen. It's worth a shot isn't it?"

Mitch took a deep breath, and shrugged. "Yeah... I guess."

Scott jumped at the feeling of Mitch's phone vibrating in Mitch's back pocket, since Scott could feel it on his thigh.

Mitch grabbed it quickly, and frowned before answering it. "Hi, Mother."

Scott held him a little tighter, reminding him that Scott would protect him.

"Yes... I did." Mitch spoke a little quieter from here on out. "Yes... It's a 'he'. And... He makes me very happy."

Scott kissed Mitch's temple, before pulling away to search his face as Mitch spoke.

"I understand, Mother. I... What if I brought him over for dinner tonight?"

Scott squinted a little in thought.

"Yes... We can be there in twenty minutes."



OKAY so. I can't decide, so I want YOU to decide xD

Should Scott introduce himself as the fake Scott without tattoos, or should Mitch introduce Alex instead??


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