Mitch nodded a few times. "Yeah.. I'll ask." 

"I can just take you home with me when we leave the show. Okay?"

"Okay. Please drive safe." 

"I will. Text me when you come out of the test, okay? Just so I can talk to you. And then let me know if you get food, or want me to pick something up for you on our way to the school." 

Mitch just hummed, already kind of falling asleep in Scott's embrace. 

Scott brushed Mitch's bangs to the side a little, before kissing his temple. "You poor thing... Maybe I'll run out and get you some food before the test. I could bring it into your last class if you want." 

Mitch reached up to grab Scott's chin to pull his eye contact forcefully. "Stop spending money on me." 

"No way. It's too much fun. Maybe I'll go out and buy you a necklace or something too." 

"Scott, I'm serious. Stop it." 

"And maybe a new sweater. You love a good sweater." 



"Stop that." 

"Stop what?" 

Mitch rolled his eyes, picking up his coffee again. "God, you're annoying."

"Yeah, and you're ungrateful."

"And you're... Ugh, you're perfect, what am I saying?" 

Scott chuckled a little. "Good comeback." 

"Well.. Just give me a second to think of an insult."

After school, Scott went home to drop off one car and get his favorite car, which was also now Kirstie's favorite car, and left to pick up Alex from his game. 

When he arrived, Alex was rushing to take his cleats off so he wouldn't track dirt in Scott's car while he pressed the phone to his ear using his shoulder. 

Scott answered of course. "Alex, I'm looking right at you."

"Oh! I just wanted to make sure you knew that the game was over. I don't see your car though." 

"Oh yeah... You haven't seen this one before, I forgot. Um... It's black and white, parked right by the field. Does that help?"

Alex looked up, and then spoke. "Woah... Your car is fucking awesome." 

"Isn't it? Come on."

"Let me just tell Coach I'm leaving. One second." Alex hung up, and Scott watched him stuff his shoes into his bag haphazardly, before he jogged over to pick up his water bottle off the ground. 

Alex then ran over to the crowd of his team members, before carefully weaving through them to get to his coach. "Hey, Coach? I'm leaving now.  I handed you my signature paper earlier?" 

"Yeah, you're good to go. Get out of here, Kirk. Great job today." 

Alex nodded once. "Thank you. Have a nice weekend." 

"Did you get the diet I passed out for next week?"

"Yes, Coach."

"Good. Stick to it, Kirk. I know you've been cheating on it. I can see it on your stomach."

"Oh, no no. I haven't--" 


"Yeah... Okay. Maybe I cheated the diet once. One time. But it won't happen again, Coach." 

"It better not. There are a whole lot of players just dying to take your place, Kirk. Don't make me regret putting you in charge."

"Yes, Coach." Alex muttered halfheartedly, before turning around and jogging over to Scott.

Mitch called after Scott had both picked up Alex, and gotten the athlete some food. Scott was in the middle of driving though, so he'd had Alex hold the phone and put it on speaker. 

Scott didn't seemed phased in the slightest to have Alex listening in. "Hey babe. How'd it go?" 

Mitch sounded a little tired, but also kind of relieved. "It was okay, I guess... I'm sure I did decent, but it didn't feel like my best. I think you were right about me not sleeping enough."

"If you would've called me last night, that's what I would've told you." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Daddy knows best. I get it." Mitch sassed him, without knowing Alex was there. 

"Don't you forget it, baby. Did you find Avi yet?" 

"No. I'm just walking out of the test room, so. I should probably call him too." 

"Oh, okay. Call him then, babe. I'll see you in an hour or so, okay?" 

"Okay. Did you pick up Alex?" 

"Yeah, he's sitting right next to me." 

"Did you pick him up in the 'Ghini'?" 

"Yeah, I did. Mitchie, honey, will you do me a favor and yell at Alex for me? He's not eating anything I'm giving him."

Mitch scoffed. "Alex, come on. Scott was nice enough to get it for you. Plus, you just had a game. You need to eat."

"But Coach said--"

"I don't care. Mitch says eat."

Scott grinned. "Thanks babe. I'll call you when we get back to the school."

"Okay. Drive safe." 

"In this car? Not a chance." 


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