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Since this is the first chapter; I'm hoping it'll give you a better feel for the characters and the concept

And if y'all have any suggestions or ideas for this please don't hesitate to tell me ^-^


"Did you finish your homework?"

Mitch suppressed an eye roll for his own sake. "Yes, mother."

"Good. I think you should request to be put in a higher class, Mitchell. This doesn't seem to be challenging you enough."

Mitch didn't respond, just stared out the window.

"Did you have enough time to practice prior to your piano lesson today?"

Why was she asking as if she hadn't forced him to do it? "Yes, mother."

She grinned widely. "That's my boy! I hope you know how proud your father and I are of your achievements."

As if you didn't tell me that yesterday and the day before that and the day before that... "Thank you, mother."

When she finally pulled up at the school, Mitch audibly groaned when he had to climb out of the car in front of some of his classmates. "When can I drive myself to school again?"

"When your calculus grade improves."

Improves? How much more could it possibly-- "Mother, it's already a 94%."

"Is that an A+?" She asked demeaningly, rhetorically.

Mitch took a deep breath. Listen here, you old, condescending bit-- "No, mother. I'll do better."

"Thought so. Have a nice day!"

Mitch turned around, slinging his backpack onto his shoulders as he passed through the entrance of his high school.

And no, he was not a prodigy of some kind.

And no, he did not get bullied excessively for being more intelligent than the average human.


Well. Because his boyfriend was Scott Hoying, of course.


Mitch wandered into the common area, where his friends always hung out.

Kirstie jumped up in an instant. "Mitch, thank God! Did you finish the physics homework?"

Mitch just passed his backpack to her, without a word. As if he weren't used to this.

He plopped himself down in the seat beside Avi, who was texting someone at the time.

Avi glanced up at him. "Hey, M."

"Hi. Where's Scott?"

"His dad took his car again. So he had to hitch a ride from Jake. Which means they're gonna be late."

Mitch pouted, slumping in his seat a little. "Shoot... I was really looking forward to seeing him..."

"Aw. What's wrong?" Avi set his phone on the table, giving Mitch his full attention.

"She woke me up early again."

"Oh God. Another run-through of some Beethoven?"

Mitch sighed, nodding sadly, and leaning into Avi's side. "An hour, Avi. A whole hour. School hasn't even started yet and I already feel like my fingers are gonna fall off."

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