Destined to be together (2)

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Here is the second part❤️❤️❤️
Hope you will like it.

This is going to be long and a rollercoaster. So brace yourself😂

Next day:
Shahana came to see Prachi and heard her vomiting again in the washroom. She grew concerned and rushed there.
Prachi was washing her mouth and her face.
Shahana, worriedly:"are you okay?"
She nodded.
Shahana:"i think you should see a doctor, Prachi. I will tell Masi."
Prachi, stopping her:"no, no. Don't say anything yet. See, if anyone knows about this, they won't let me go to college. And you know how important presentation are... no excuse will be accepted."
Shahana looked on tensed.

Prachi:"if I vomit once again, I will call you and then we will go to the doctor. But after my presentation. Please."
Shahana:"after that, I won't listen to you."
Prachi nodded.

They came downstairs and Purab insisted to drop Prachi and Ranbir, as they were the only one going to college today.

At college:
They both were heading towards their class but Ranbir stopped at the canteen.
Prachi:"what are you doing?"
Ranbir, to the guy:"a water bottle and some mint candies, please."
After paying, they went to their classes.

Ranbir:"keep these mint candies, it will help with your nausea."
Prachi:"thank you."
Ranbir:"I am taking to the doctor later on."
Prachi, whining:"noooo, it's just a stomach bug."
Ranbir:"whatever, I am still taking you."

In their class, they both sat together as the teacher started calling one by one for their presentation. Prachi was nervously playing with her fingers which Ranbir noticed and held her hand.

Ranbir:"relax... you will do great. And it's not like you haven't presented something before... why are you stressing so much?"
Prachi:"in office, they are professionals, but here... some are childish... they will laugh at anything."
Ranbir:"then just think about the people who love you and believe in you... Pragya Aunty, Chuck, Shahana, Aryan and me..."
She looked at him.

Prachi's name was called and Ranbir wished her best of luck.
She stood up and walked in front of the class. But her eyes met Ranbir's and he did a nod to her.
After that Prachi confidently presented her project.
Ranbir was admiring her and feeling extremely proud of her the entire time. She was wonderful and everyone started applauding at the end.

She smilingly came back to her place.
Ranbir, whispered to her:"you were great..."
Prachi, thankfully:"Thank you..."
Ranbir:"such great motivational talk and just a thank you... not done, Chikchiki."
She looked at him when he said her nickname, she didn't realise that the name which usually pricked her, was missed by her.

Prachi, playing along:"what do you want, Baklu?"
Her forehead scrunched in confusion but it was all cleared when he took out the candies from her bag.
He handed her one and took one as well.

Prachi:"let's wait for yours to be done."
He nodded and waited for his turn. Prachi took the water bottle from his table and drank sip by sip to calm herself.

Soon it was Ranbir's turn and he confidently went in front. He smiled at Prachi and then began presenting his project. Prachi, complimentarily, watched him and got lost into him as well.
Ranbir felt her gaze on him but refused to look at her as he was well aware if he did, he will get lost in her eyes.

Everyone applauded him as well and he joined her back.
Prachi:"you were wonderful..."
Ranbir:"I am the best..."
She nodded and they chuckled silently. He handed her the candy and they slowly opened, making sure not to get caught by the teacher.

Prachi felt much better after eating the candy and took another almost immediately. Ranbir was observing her and grew tensed.
He decided to take her to the doctor after they are done here.

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