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This chapter is dedicated to Krishnation.
Hope you will like it.

A teacher walked around the classroom distributing some graded test papers. Some students were happy seeing their grade but some were very upset.
A paper with the grade 97 over 100 is placed on a desk.

Teacher, congratulating the student: 'Congrats...' A small smile came on that person's face but it soon went away when the teacher continued.
'You are second in the class. Well down, Ranbir...'

Ranbir forced a smile as he wanted to be the first one, he had worked the whole night but it still wasn't enough.
Teacher: 'And the first grade is 98 out of 100...'
Ranbir waited for the teacher to say who it was but that didn't happen as he kept the paper back in the drawer of his table.

Teacher: 'Hope you all will do some effort like Ranbir and bring me best marks the next time.'
Ranbir avoided eye-contact with everyone as he slouched slightly on his chair.

He hated the eyes on him: all of them were irritated that he was praised everytime and that every teacher would ask them to look up to him. His eyes fixed his own paper as he tried to avoid the piercing gaze of his classmates.

Ranbir, to himself: 'Why wouldn't he just tell them about the first one? Why does he always have to take my name?'
Despite all these questions in his head, he couldn't bring himself to ask the teacher, so he stayed quiet and let the teacher continue with his class.

Later, during the night, Ranbir was rushing on the road as he was late... he had to go to work. And unfortunately, the place where he worked was a very famous club and his classmates were regular clients there.

He could hear their mocking comments but didn't bother about that. He needed to make money so he closed off on the comments, not letting them affect him.

He took his place behind the bar and it was still early, so the club was quite empty. But he knew that it wouldn't be the case in a few hours. Even though it was a school night, it was the birthday of the school's most popular boy and he had selected this place only to celebrate.

Indeed after a few hours, the club was crowded: so crowded that there wasn't any empty space. And Ranbir was also having a tough time with the drinks: the orders kept coming.

He could see his classmates enjoying themselves to the fullest... Anyone would want to be in that place but not him... he couldn't bring himself to behave so carelessly in front of others. He wasn't comfortable.

A customer's order brought him back from his thoughts and he quickly served him. Ranbir let his eyes wander around the dance floor and they stopped on a particular person who was dancing with her friends. He noticed how she owned the dance floor with her subtle yet sexy moves.

The boys on the dance floor had their eyes on her, even the birthday boy. And the girls had envious looks towards her but she didn't give a damn about it. She was lost in her own world, enjoying herself to the fullest.

Ranbir knew that she was in some of his classes but would rarely come to class: she was the rebellious and carefree girl who skipped classes at her own will.
His colleague nudged him.
'Don't stare like that... there is a huge difference between this side (behind the bar) and that side (on the dancing floor)'

Ranbir: 'I know that... And I am not crossing the boundary line.'
His colleague was older than him and somehow the only person that Ranbir opened up to. They were the ones working the late hours everyday, so they grew close and became friends.

After 2/3 hours, the crowd on the dance floor started to decrease and everyone was heading home.
Ranbir's colleague: 'You are closing up, buddy... I am off...'
Ranbir: 'Yeah, Goodnight...'
They both had their turns of closing up and today was Ranbir... He had to wait for everyone to leave.

Pranbir Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora