Amidst fire (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to Stepholala and dewdrops1995.
I mixed both of your ideas 🙈. Hope you will like it.

The Kohli mansion's yard was crowded with people, celebrating the lights festival: Diwali. They all were busy doing their own things, but Ranbir had eyes on only one particular girl.

That girl was adorned in a beautiful pink outfit. Although it wasn't her style, she still looked mesmerizingly beautiful. She was busy lighting up the lamps unaware of her husband's eyes on her.
Ranbir just leaned on a pillar and lovingly stared at his wife. No matter what he says to her, his heart always seeks Prachi.

Prachi slightly bent down to pick up the lamps on the ground when Ranbir frowned and approached her. As he was near her, he bent down and picked up the lamp and held it in his hands. Prachi looked at him.
Ranbir, in a caring manner: 'You shouldn't bend down... be careful.'

She lit up the lamp while both of them recalled their first Diwali together where he had lit up several lamps for her. They both looked at each other as the beautiful memory played in front of them.
No word was exchanged as they were not needed. Their eyes were communicating on their own.

Rhea came there and fumed seeing Pranbir together but as soon her eyes moved to the lamp in their hands, she became worried.
Rhea, to herself: 'Ranbir will also be hurt if he stays near her... What should I do?'

At the same time, Ranbir was called by Vikram and this broke Pranbir's eye-lock.
Ranbir, to Prachi: 'Stay here itself, I will help you in lighting them up.'
She nodded while he left and she began lighting those one the table. Rhea was happy that the stars were working in her favour as he spotted Ranbir leaving.
She smirkingly glared at Prachi's stole.
Rhea: 'Goodbye, Prachi...'

She stealthily looked around and approached Prachi. She carefully took Prachi's stole and placed the end of it near the lamp. After that she left and stood aside to watch the spectacle unfold.

However, she was unaware that someone had eyes on her. Someone saw her evil deed with their own eyes. That person started to approach Prachi but soon, they heard firecrackers. This halted the person.

Prachi startled at the sounds and realised that the firecrackers were around the tables which surrounded her. She took a few steps back and her stole fell on the lamp. Rhea smirked further at the success of her plan.

Concerned for her baby, her hands went straight to her belly. The firecrackers started to burst all around her and a few hit her arms. She screamed in pain.
Prachi, painfully: 'Ranbir... '
Soon, the tables around her were on fire. Her stole also

Ranbir was shocked seeing her amidst fire and he ran there but he was stopped by Pallavi.
Ranbir jerked her hands away and rushed to Prachi who was terrified by the fire. She was trying to get out but couldn't as she was scared for her baby. She began coughing and covered her mouth with her stole but she smelt a weird smell from it.
She moved it away from her nose but now her coughs intensified.

Ranbir took a blanket from Aryan and ran to his wife. He didn't care about the fire or the bursting firecrackers.He just needed her to be safe.
He finally reached her and covered her with the blanket, but along with the blanket, he hugged her to protect her from the firecrackers.

In the meantime, all the crowd present was throwing water to diminish the fire and had successfully done it on one side. Using this opening, Ranbir moved Prachi away from the middle.
Rhea and Aliya were shocked as they knew that the stole could burst any time. As the family members rushed to them, they both stayed far away from Prachi.

Once they were out of the fire, Ranbir's eyes went to her stole which was on fire. He quickly removed it from her and threw it in the air. And just as he did that, it bursted in the air, shocking everyone present there.
They were extremely shocked but Ranbir looked in between Prachi and the burnt stole. He immediately hugged her.

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