Heartless (12)

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The dull corridors of a hospital was crowded with Kohlis and Mehras. They were all waiting impatiently and worriedly for the doctor to come out. Prachi was rushed into the emergency room while they could only wait.

Ranbir was by the door but completely silent. He hadn't utter a word since they reached. Aryan noted him and placed his hand on his shoulder. There was no reaction from Ranbir. He just stood there which Aryan found odd. He moved in front of him and that's when he noticed how red Ranbir's eyes were.
His best friend was angry...extremely angry but he was also holding back his tears.

He knew his best friend wasn't good expressing himself and that too in front of others, so Aryan just pulled him in a hug.
Reassuring him: 'She is going to be fine...'
Ranbir, hugging Aryan, nodded yes.

Ranbir broke the hug but remained silent, Aryan also didn't insist and didn't say anything else. Mayank also joined them and the three best friends just stood together. It was a silent way to show that they were with him because the two of them know that Ranbir would prefer the silence right now.

Little Param hugged Pragya as they waited for any news from the doctors. They knew her wound wasn't deep but still, the fall was pretty bad and she could have internal injuries.

After 15 minutes, the doctor came out and they all looked at him.
'She is fine... no worries but we have given her a sleeping injection so she won't be up till morning. And concerning her hand, you will have to be careful because it's fractured and it will take some time to get better.'
Vikram thanked the doctor when Ranbir asked him if he could see her. His voice came out a little rasp as he hadn't spoken for a while. The doctor nodded and Vikram told him and Abhigya to go in.
Param had insisted to go in so he went too.

The four watched the sleeping figure of Prachi and noticed the sling on her right hand. Pragya caressed Prachi's hair emotionally and kissed her forehead.
Abhi: 'She is going to be fine, Pragya...'
Param too approached his sister and as he couldn't reach her, he only kissed her left hand.

Abhi looked at Ranbir who leant on the window still waiting for them to meet her.
'If you have no problem, we can take her with us when she is discharged, Pragya will also be reassure that she is fine.'

Instead of answering him, he moved to Prachi and held her left hand: 'Aunty, I will take great care of her. You don't have to worry. Trust me on that.'
Pragya looked at Abhi who fumed as the boy in front of them completely ignored him.
But he tried again: 'You would have to be burdened by taking care of her...'
Ranbir, sternly: 'She is my wife, not a burder. And I can totally take care of her...'
His statement shut Abhi up and Pragya interfered: 'Ranbir, it's fine... I can...'

Ranbir: 'Please Aunty... let me take care of her...'
They were both surprised on hearing his pleads. Ranbir had never said please to anyone but it came automatically today... only for his wife. Pragya had to agree and nodded yes to him.

As Abhigya was leaving, Param ran to Ranbir and whispered: 'Take care of her...'
Ranbir nodded yes while ruffling his hair.

As he was left alone with her, he sat next to her and held her left hand. His eyes went over her slightly pale face and he felt guilty. He didn't know why but he was feeling bad for not being able to protect her.
His phone dinged and he checked finding Aryan's message on their group stating that he along with Mayank, were taking everyone home. His reply was simple ok and he just sat by his wife's side the whole night.

Blurry images of the fall went on and on in front of her eyes, she could see everything but it was not clearly. She tried to open her eyes but everytime, it was very difficult, she would found herself falling over and over from the stairs.
Her eyes moved in despair as she tried to open them.
She heard her name very very far away, but with the little strength, she followed it until she could distinguish who it was.

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