Love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight

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This chapter is dedicated to Versatileveida.
Hope you will like it dear.

"Do you want some coffee?"
The question made someone looked up from his laptop.
A tired small smile appeared on the person's lips and he nodded. He closed his laptop after saving his work.
"Need a good dose of caffeine to complete this work..."

"Don't work too much, Ranbir... It's not healthy for either you or us..."
A chuckle escaped Ranbir. Both boys walked to the coffee machine.

Ranbir: "Why isn't it healthy for you, Ruhaan?"
Ruhaan: "Because, the same will be expected from us. And I don't have the energy for this on a Friday afternoon..."

Ranbir was amused by his colleague and closest friend's statement.
When they reached the coffee room, there were already some other male employees making their coffees.

The hot topic of discussion was about tonight's party. The company had organised a special event for its employees; rewarding them for their hard work.

Even if he didn't show it, Ranbir was excited for it. He would be awarded amongst others tonight by the chairperson of the company.
The chairperson was the viral topic in the office right now.

It had been informed that the awards would be given by the latter. Going by the rumours, it was a she.... and that she was extremely beautiful and gorgeous.
However, Ranbir had never seen her before despite working for the company for a year now.
It is said that she had been traveling all the time; watching over the several branches overseas.

As the other male employees continued to talk about their boss, Ranbir was left wondering about her.
But as soon as his coffee was ready, Ruhaan and him headed back to their desks.

Ruhaan: "Have you heard what they were saying about Prachi ma'am?"
Ranbir just nodded at him. He couldn't turn a deaf ear to them. It was all they were talking about.

Ruhaan: "I guess we will see her tonight."
Ranbir: "Yes..."
His short answer ended the conversation. He didn't want to be part of the gossips going on. He concentrated on his job as he had to work hard.

The party was going in full swing. Appetizers and drinks were exhibited on a table for self-service next to the drink section.
However, the employees had regrouped at the bar area for alcoholic beverages.

Ruhaan came to Ranbir and teasingly said.
"Looking forward to impress someone?"

Ranbir's eyes went over his outfit as he was surprised: "What? No..."
He did a double check but didn't find anything wrong with his outfit. His professional outfit consisted of black trousers and a black shirt: simple but sophisticated.

Ruhaan, jokingly: "Chill... I was kidding. But all the other boys dressed up... They hope to impress Prachi ma'am by this."
This made Ranbir looked at him. He didn't comprehend the fuss about this. But his friend was about to clear that.

Ruhaan: "Everyone has a crush on her. Apparently, one of them had gotten her pictures and they are all trying their luck..."
Ranbir: "It's tough luck, man... We are just mere employees."
Ruhaan: "Yeah but who will tell them that?"
Ranbir, jokingly: "Definitely not us..."

They both shared a laugh and then Ruhaan prompted Ranbir to join their other colleagues at the bar.

Half an hour later, Ranbir was getting bored with all of this. His eyes went to the door as he waited for her to arrive so that he could escape shortly after the award ceremony.

And just as his eyes went to the door, he noticed a girl at the door who was looking around.
She was searching for someone: a bit hesitant to enter the party.

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